Thursday, July 19, 2007

Glad To Serve

Got a chance this morning to help out with Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point ministries and Feed The Children since they're in town for a two day event at Minges Coliseum tonight and tomorrow night. The cool thing about this for me was that we were contacted by them and were asked to help.

Why is that cool?

Because we're a new one-year old start up church with less than 150 people and we were contacted mainly because of our website and what that says about us as a church. They took notice of us, contacted us, and asked us to partner with them in getting the food unloaded and distributed. Discovery Church people stepped up, showed up and helped out. And since they didn't have quite as many in attendance as they were planning on, we've got four pallets of goods that we'll be distributing around here in the weeks to come.

I was encouraged. Encouraged that we were noticed by an associate pastor at a 6000 person church in California. Encouraged that our people are willing to come out and work in the heat and humidity before they go to work (or right after they get off working all night). Encouraged by kind words and media coverage. Encouraged that we were invited to be a part of helping to meet needs in our community.

God's up to something people...and He's including us.

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