Wednesday, July 04, 2007


So I THOUGHT I was going golfing this morning. I got to the golf course and looked around for the guys I thought I would be golfing with. Didn't see their cars, couldn't get a hold of any of the three I tried. I called my wife while I got my socks on and got ready to put on my golf shoes. That's when it happened.

I saw them pull up to the first tee and get ready to tee off. They already had a foursome -albeit, not the four I was expecting. That put me in a bind. Were they expecting a fifth? Was it me or the other guy I expected to see? What to do.

I decided that since it was the 4th and a holiday and the place was busier than normal, that I'd forgo the nature walk and go back and hang with my family. Got back and went for a walk, played some bocce ball and caught some pitches and tossed the ball around. All said, I think it was a good call - even though I still feel like a little bit of a loser.

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