Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lovin' Saturday

My two oldest are gone, my two middle were up at 3 and 6 saying they were hungry, a dozen or more ladies were here last night, some until after midnight and I was up before 6:15 just because I can't sleep. It's like I need to get up and read my Bible. I have to admit, that has NEVER happened before (at least not at 6AM on 6 hours of sleep - not me)

All that to say I feel like it should be lunch time and it's only a little after 9. I know there are things I could be doing, but it's Saturday. I'm going to be with my family, play with the kids, maybe mow the lawn, and then set up for church and go watch the UFC pay-per-view somewhere.

Usually though I'm just going and working and don't really stop thinking. I came to a realization as to why. I'm afraid to fail. You'd think that after watching God move (sell house in 1 day, find house in two, raise 70% of my 2 years of support in about 3 weeks, free furniture, adding staff, babies, etc) that I'd stop thinking I have anything to do with what's going on here. I mean, if God wants to bless, He's going to bless. And He has.

I think I mentioned that when we were at that camp in MN, there were some people that got excited about what we're doing and wanted to be a part of it. Some gave money. Some committed to pray. And one "crazy" will be driving up here today because he's planning on moving here to be a part of Discovery around the end of the month and needs to find a place to live and a job. Yep, you read that right. He's quitting his job, moving out and coming up here - no guarantees, no job, no place to live - yet. He's figuring if it's what God wants, he can't fail and everything will work out in the next 3-4 weeks.

So I'm taking today to hang with family and do very little in terms of "work." Not because I'm lazy, not because work is bad. It's because I'm trusting God more and more now. God can accomplish more in my break than I ever could working 24/7.

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