Monday, November 26, 2007

Still Stuffed

So now that the pre-Christmas holiday of Thanksgiving is over, I'm ready for Christmas!

Probably noticed that I took the last few days off for Thanksgiving. My brother and his family were here and so were my parents. Had a great time with them all and really enjoyed eating...way too much and a little too often. Oh well, finished up the leftovers last night so no more turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes for a while.

Do want to mention a few things and people that I'm thankful for (even though it's after Thanksgiving, it's never too late to say thanks!)
  • Jesus - he loves me and encourages me when I feel like a failure (and have)
  • My wife - I definitely married up....again, thank you Jesus
  • My kids - how bored would I be if I didn't have 5 great kids?
  • My family - when I look around at all the dysfunction, I realize how blessed I was to grow up with two parents, married to each other, and a brother to fight with over stupid things like who has to haul wood or mow the lawn this week
  • Discovery Church - I never knew planting a church could be this good
  • Claude and Sheila - don't know if Lora and I would have survived the first year without them
  • Davey and Randy - I love the worship atmosphere they create each week
  • Todd Wallace and his family - this dude works until 4AM and still comes to church AND stays after with his family EVERY WEEK to help tear down.
  • KABC - this is the church I came from and they supported me leaving to start Discovery
  • bloglines - I'm constantly challenged by reading blogs about how other pastors are reaching their communities
  • Christmas - I look forward to this time more than any other
  • A million other little and big things (like more work to do)

1 comment:

Council Family said...

And awesome friends that can be called on to "Council" you in life. Whom you never have to worry about sharring secret "Council".

That kind of "Council"ing is hard to come by.
