Monday, June 16, 2008


Gut check time.  The past few weeks have been a roller coaster around here and have brought up a few questions that are causing us to think a little deeper and harder about what it is that we are, and need to be doing.  I'm convinced that the longer you do anything, the easier it is to lose focus.

Take marriage for instance.  The longer you're married, the easier it is to forget about why you married your spouse, all the dreams you had together and all the good things.  That means it's also easier to identify the stuff that annoys you, the things you'd change and the problems you regularly argue about.

So we're just doing a gut check to make sure that Discovery doesn't end up as another broken or unhappy marriage.  Make sure the focus and energy is on the right things and we'll be more effective and ultimately more content.  Maybe you should try that with your spouse.


Jim Bird said...

Dean and Mary said...

Our marriage is doing pretty darn good. 25 years next Tuesday. : )
That's a pretty good milestone. But we do devotions together every morning and then we pray together.