Sunday, January 04, 2009

Thoughts On Worship

Every week, we give everyone the opportunity to write a question or comment that we'll address before the service is over.  I never know who writes what.  Today there was one that I really appreciated and I'm not sure if I totally handled it well (despite the reassurances and encouraging comments from a number of people).  Maybe I should wait, but I think I'll process this outloud.

Here's the story.

The service today went well.  The music was good.  It was loud.  There were haze and lights.  We sang Never Stop, I Am Free, I Will Hold On, God of This City and Let God Arise.  It was loud.  The bass was thumping, the lights were shining, people were singing.  Did I mention it was loud?

The comment simply said (as best I can remember) - "I didn't come here for a rock concert.  I thought we were here to "worship""

Sometimes I read comments, sometimes I don't.  I felt like I needed to address this.  Now, I don't know if the person who wrote it did so because it was loud, because of the lights and the haze, because the rest of the room was dark, because it was electric guitars and drums, or because of the style of music we played.  So I'm not 100% sure what they meant.  But here's what I said (again, as best I can remember):
We play this music, use the lights and all that stuff because that's how we express our worship.  If you're coming here expecting us to give you what you want in terms of worship, you have a misunderstanding of what worship is.  Worship is what we give to God.  It's our response to Him.  It's about what we give, not what we get.  I don't think we're doing anything that dishonors God, that blasphemes Him or is sin.  If you don't like how we do this, Discovery might not be the best place for you, and that's ok.  But we do the best we can to offer this to God, to give God our best and this is how we do it.  I hope you can appreciate that and that it makes sense.
Some people clapped, others gave me positive comments afterwards, but I had a conversation after that really brought up a good point, and that's what I'm struggling with right now.  I had just finished spending 40 minutes talking about how Discovery is intent on becoming the OTC church.  The church Of This City, but also the church people reach for when they need help (the Over-The-Counter church) and here I was saying if you don't like it, we might not be for you.  Now I understand that OTC medication isn't one-size-fits-all.  You don't pick up hemorrhoid medicine for your headache, and cough medicine won't do anything to help you get rid of your warts.  So how does this fit with worship and us being the OTC church?

I honestly don't have the answer.  I'm glad the question was raised.  Is there a difference between personal worship and corporate worship?  Should there be?  If so, what is it and how does that or should that come across in our music and our Sunday presentation?  Great questions - think you can help by sharing your thoughts?  I'd love to hear them.


Anonymous said...

It is my opionion that personal worship is a time as an individual have our devotional time with God. Corperate worship is a time as a church body come together as a whole to worship God. I think taht no matter what you will not please everyone. Do your corprate worship the way God is leading you to do it.

Anonymous said...

How do you untangle a bowl of spaghetti? answer: one noodle at a time. I would first have to ask a few questions as follows: what makes you believe that what you are doing is worship?, secondly: what is the function of what you believe is worship? My opinions and thoughts are worth less then the price of a cup of McCoffee, therefore seeking advice or opinions from other then our final authority in all matters of faith and practice would not be wise. The person with the original comment said "I didn't come here for a rock concert" should have raised a red flag. If what you are doing is "wordly", chances are Romans 12:1-2 has been ignored in order to please the audience. Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. What is the function of a sensual presentation for anyway in an assembly of hopefully believers that are in need of edification? An epiphany? so they can "feel God's presence"? to get closer to Jesus? What is being presented in the lyrics of these songs you are singing? Music is a teaching tool according to Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Seems to me it is about the "word of Christ" teaching in a format of music. So what is the content of these songs? Let God arise? is from the 68th Psalm(refers to Israel's tribulation and millenial kingdom on the earth)...God of this city? (2 Cor 4:4 declares Satan is the god of this world)..I will hold on? is salvation about us holding on? Is salvation about anything we have or can do to merit it?...seems to be engendering confusion with a catchy upbeat thumping bass beat huh, rather then to that which is meet to edifying in order that...Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;.....People are dying in record numbers and going to Hell never getting a clear presentation of the gospel that saves their never dying soul and people are fussing over music presentations in assemblies full of unsaved self sanctified church goers..shame on somebody....2 Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are is it hid? is hid by an opposing light. If you put a light in a dark place, the light is obvious...but what if you put an opposing light in the same place...the first light is not as obvious and is obscured...2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Who is the god of this world?...2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.....there he is! the opposing light , the one shining in every activity that hinders the clear declaration of the Gospel and the edification of the saints.
If you want the power of God in your service there is a way ....1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.....preach the cross....looking for the power of God?... Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the's the Gospel of Christ!...not in haze and light effects. It is the will of God..1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth....ok I'll end with this and it is my pleasure and priviledge to do so....the Gospel...1st Cor 15:1...Paul declares to us the Gospel...verse which we are saved!..that is what we need to hear, the saving Gospel, so what is it?...verses 3 and 4..Christ died for our sins , was buried, and rose again the 3rd day according to the what?...we heard the gospel of our salvation....Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,.....isn't that great news!!!..if you already have trusted in the finished work of Christ alone for your salvation this shouldn't be offensive...if you believe there is something we must do to complete the transaction other then believing and trusting, then it is offensive to Christ and the Gospel of the Grace of God, Ephesians 2:8-9. Anyway, this could go on forever, please consider what I say , even better, consider what God says about it, He wrote us a Book!....Grace and Peace!

ASEAN said...

wow that last commment was a mouthful...of spaghetti opinion... i would agree with jasons reaction in him saying that this may not be the church for u... there are many different churches and many different ways of "worshipping". to some the music and loudness gets em "alive" and "awake" persay... then they go into the word and its calm and relaxing and some end with more "loud" music and some end with a soft song and some just end with personally i like having music whether loud or soft in "worship"... i couldnt attend a church that just spoke and bored me... but some can and some do and thats each their own... this is just one church's way of expressing how they worship God...and as long as they're worshipping and praising Him i dont think it should matter how its done. im 23 almost 24 and well i havent been to church in almost 2-3 yrs...but when i did go (or when i will go) i want to hear some music...but it all comes down to God (obviouisly) and as long as its to Him it shouldnt matter how its done.... there thats my mouthful...of sushi haha even tho im not japanese... :)

Fred said...

I'll try to be pithy here. I prefer personal worship to corporate worship. I feel there is a better opportunity for me to connect and listen to God. With that said I do enjoy worship at my church, and I need the interaction and support of other Christians. With regard to the music part of worship, I like to participate. Most any style of music will work, except country, as long as the motivation for singing and playing instruments is to uplift and worship God and not to provide a "show" just to get people in the door. I appreciate the music at our church. There is a genuine pleasure that the singers and instrumentalist get from leading the congregation. It really shows in the quality and energy level. We are a multi generational church and we offer services with different music styles.

I think it all boils down to where is your heart, what motivate you to worship, and are you being transformed by your times of worship.

I watched a Bon Jovi concert on HDNet last night, on my 50"plasma (that's for Jason), only for the pictures not the words lol. I noticed the people were entirely engaged and signing along with enthusiasm. All to many time services, regardless of the style, do not have as much energy. It is all about where your heart is.

With that said we also need to realize that the church is not a monolith and consideration should be given to the needs/desires of others to promote unity. If you expect the older women to teach the younger, you better have some older (mature) women in your congregation.

Salvation and discipleship is not just for the 20-30 somethings. I believe a healthy church needs to have all generations in order for us to learn from each other.

Sorry not so pithy.


Fred said...

My last post may lead readers to conclusions I did not intend. I'll try to be clearer next time.

Grandma Strickland said...

Jason, I can understand this man's comment. We did not join a local church here because the music and the way it was presented felt like a rock concert every Sunday. I very much liked it when you lead the music at Kings because there was variety...some lively, upbeat songs and then a transition into more quiet, reflective songs that truly led you into worship. Remember, worship is more than music. Even the message should engender worship. All leading to that time when we offer ourselves in love to our God. I would save the special effects for some other time. They are not needed to connect people with the Lord. I think they would be more of a distraction than a help. Just my opinion.

The Nassars said...

ok, I was going to comment on the special effects, but Teresa did it for me... my main thought was: don't let what you do be a distraction that people will have a difficult time getting the 'message'... makes sense?

KingMaker said...

Worship and music are not the same. Every church has a style of music and it corresponds with the "style?" of audience they want to appeal to. That is just the way it is.
Since there are no Podcasts of any of Jesus' services or lexicons of 1st century music techniques available we have to go with what fits our identity and audience. Jesus did not travel the countryside with his organ in tow and he didn't have a guitar either.
The big idea is witness; if a hurting person comes to a church for help. But they have been hurt by church in the past especially the fire and brimstone and organs playing in the background kind of church (which is prevelant in the Greenville area) it would just reinforce the hurt person's belief that the church is irrelevant and leave the church as hurt as they came.

The organ style church 'typically' draws older, seasoned christians that, as the case is in Greenville, are mainly interested in the things that happen within the four walls of the church. Lots of sitters and soakers and frozen chosen...or whatever stereotype there is.

If Discovery chose this style, they would fall in line with all the other FWB and SBC churches in the area. There are thousands of these churches and they all share the same type of people and for all the churches in the area make little or no impact for the kingdom.

Discovery is a breath of fresh air in a town that has lots of young families who think they know what church is about...until they visit Discovery and realise that Jesus is much more interested in them than they ever thought.

PS I Love Hymms!

Anonymous said...

Burger King christianity,,,I want it my way. It is if God never wrote a Bible. I noticed in the above comments not a word was mentioned about the doctrine being propogated, but rather the style, the loudness, or softness, lively, upbeat and whatever, even compared to a rock concert: seems the focus is on what an individual likes disregarding what is taught through mindless repetition of choruses resulting in a goosebump experience that at the end of the day neither edifies nor strengthens the inner man. What is it that strengthens the inner man is the word of God, rightly divided believed and installed in the inner man. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
If what you are doing resembles what the world is doing, come on, how difficult is this?..Unity at the expense of right doctrine is an egregious error. If millions of people are engaged in a wrong doctrine, it is not validated by the multitude that follow it but demonstrates the lack of doctrinal acuity. If the style, volume, or cutting edge in shock value to the assembly is the thrust of the presentation to engender a fleshly response such as waving your hands at the light bulbs, an emotional response resulting in Kleenex experience,,,,shame on somebody. It is the word of God, rightly divided installed in the inner man that carries the day, not an experiencial overheated emotional epiphany.
If you come for the music, and not to be bored (as someone said) by just someone speaking...shame on somebody...If Bible preaching and teaching is boring to you, just how were you saved?..Does faith come by singing endless choruses of songs centered around Israel's covenant doctrine which do not apply to the church, the body of Christ? or is the Bible correct when it says Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God....?.....I am fully persuaded it will be the Word of God that carries the day.
We live in a time when the Bible has been neglected, corrected, and rejected. The church has gone to the world engaging in social issues rather than what God would have his ambassadors engaged in , seeing souls saved and saints edifyed, and in everything be thankful...that is God's will. The church has no problem standing in a picket line at an abortion clinic, holding hands with a Catholic, a Mormon, even atheists and believing at the same time they are doing God's terrible as it is, those little babies will be in heaven, but what about the atheist, Catholic, and Mormon?...shame on somebody. At the same time, the world has gone to church, with it's music, slack attitude about appearance, and so on....this isn't that difficult is it? Why do you think the NIV was put on the market?...It is a dumb downed version of the corrupt text of Wescott and Hort, because we know all those "thee" and "thou" words in the authorized King James are so difficult to understand. What about raising the bar instead of dropping it down, huh? what a concept! but that is another topic..It just demonstrates the lack of concern toward what should be the without controversy the focus of any ministry..the word of God, rightly divided, installed in the believer, that they may teach others also...knowing who we are in Christ and where we fit in the Bible, and where we go to get our marching orders!!You want to worship God?..get in His Book!..2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth....see the options and instruction?...the options are to be approved , or ashamed, and God even tells us how to study....rightly dividing the word of truth....what a concept! what does that mean? where do you divide the word of truth?...OT and NT?..why divide there when both OT and NT are directed exclusively to the nation Israel and are always associated with the law program?,,,,actually the right division is between God's prophetic performance requiring program from God's mystery program in this present dispensation of the Grace of God....In the prophetic program, Israel was required to go to a temple to worship the LORD, In God's mystery program (that is where we are) We are the Temple of the Holy we worship God in our worthy walk, operating in the doctrine God has ascribed to's not that difficult, God quit winking at ignorance in Acts 17:30, the buck stops with you, get engaged in study and don't be a part of the largest denomination the apostle Paul describes in Romans 11:25 as the "ignorant brethren",,,,Grace and Peace!

Anonymous said...


I think you may really have great thoughts. I think that you are catching on to this worldly thing of blogging. Thats excites me! So please check out where you can begin your own blog, because it appears by the length of your comments that you have a lot to say. A blog would be a great outlet to share your thoughts.

I would be really interested in checking out the worship style of your congregation! Please share you personal blog, churches website, and what influences and or leaders you have in worship!

Jenn said...

Dear Pastor Jason, Unfortunately I was not feeling well this past weekend...therefore I was not at church Sun. David did tell me about the question.

Personally, I love all styles of worship in song. I also believe there can be a balance of loud and soft in worship sets as our music minister back home did a lot of vineyard...but also Don Moen, Travis Cottrell and Ross Parsley. Some slower more worshipful songs can be blended in. Also, I do love the old hymns from time to time. Travis Cottrell has a way of modifying the older hymns to give them a more up to date sound. His version of Fairest Lord Jesus is wonderful!

I think you handled it well from what it sounds like.

Personally, I believe there is always going to be that 20% of the people who will never be satisfied, no matter what they will always have something to complain about...even if you were to stand on your head and spin around for them!

Our pastor back home always told David and I....20% of the people will love and support you no matter what! 20% of the people will despise you no matter what you matter how you try, you just won't be able to please them! But 60% are out there and do not have an opinion formed either way...they are among the ones who can be impacted for Christ as well.

Perhaps this is the percentage that we (the church) should focus on most. The 60%! (This is also the percentage who is not complaining about the small stuff either.)

Shouldn't we as the church be most concerned about who is lost and needs the love of Christ in their lives, and not so much concerned about this style of music, or that style of music?

There is a book out there called, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". Everyone should read it, right after the Bible! :)

That is my 2 cents, for what it is worth. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom of God.

Blessings to you and your dear family, Jenn

Laci Strickland said...

I must admit, comments like the one on Sunday always throw me off since I personally love Discovery's worship style. Even though I enjoy it very much, I have wondered lately how much is too much?? But I have found that after serving in the band (many times alongside Marcus) that when they take the stage to play, it has nothing to do with what's going on around the stage. It really is all about God and bringing Him our best in that moment. I've also had some time recently, to take it from the audience side. I think the mass majority of people at Discovery Church are building better, stronger, relationships with Christ and it shows every week during that worship time. You can feel the emotion when you just listen to people singing. I think you handled it perfectly in this specific situation, because the mass majority of people at our church are happy with the music. I suppose if it seems that alot of people are not enjoying it, then maybe things will have to be toned down, but for now..I think Discovery Church is doing the best they can to please God with their choices.

Anonymous said...

I have been reserved about posting a comment on this blog. I have been thinking about the initial comment that was given in church as well as some of the responses I have read. I believe that many people have extremely valid points. However there are just a few points that I want to bring to the surface.

Firstly, in many of the posts I have read I have seen references to numbers. "20%, majority of people, other churches in Greenville". When I read these I began to think about the passages in Luke 15. One passage talks about the lost sheep and the other a lost coin. Now normally we would equate this to a sinner, as it does in the scripture, however I want to take a different perspective.

A lost sheep is one that is detached from the herd. It is evident from the "worship" portion of the comment that this person is a believer. This individual, for some reason, feels detached from the group. If everyone else believes that Discovery is creating an environment that invites and leads them into worship and this individual does not then there is a need that is not being met. So what is our role as a body of believers? Our job is to try to meet that need.

Does this mean that we change how we create an environment for worship. Yes it may. I know that some people may not be comfortable with that answer....they may believe that the church is conforming; just hear me out.

The church has a responsibility to continually evaluate what it does. After receiving such a comment, we have no choice but to examine how we create an environment for worship. Are we drawing and leading people into a God focused worship service, or are we providing a show centered around God?

For some individuals the style of worship isn't a distraction. For others, there may be aspects of our presentation of worship (lights, volume, haze, song choice, message choice...)that may be a distraction. If that is true, then we need to examine those things to see if they help put the focus on God or take away. All of our actions should be based on this criteria.

Secondly, we cannot honestly say that we want to be a church that reaches everyone if we just write this person off. I was a little disappointed when we as a church started clapping after Jason gave his response. In 2 minutes we just effectively destroyed any seeds that might have been planted in the first 40. We want to be a church that teaches, preaches, and heals; however as soon as we got the opportunity to meet a need we basically wrote that person off. (What message does that send to non-believers, or others that may be hurting in different areas?) It's easy to meet a need when we do not have to really give of ourselves. The true test is when we have to change our level of comfort to meet the needs of others.

Now I'm just rambling. Basically we must be consistent in everything that we say and do. If we don't want to be a church for everyone, let's not pretend to be one. There is no shame in saying that we as a church cater to...(fill in the blank); however, there is shame in lying about it--that makes us hypocrites.

I know that this is a lot. I hope that it can be absorbed in the manner it was intended. Throughout this entire post I have used the word "we". I use that because this is not something that can be fixed by Jason alone. We as a body of believers have to examine our hearts daily. How does Christ look at the person who made the comment? How does Christ feel about the person who made this comment? To what lengths would Christ go to in order to see this person made whole? Should we do no less?

Anonymous said...

Is it time to break out the crayons? or begin a few choruses of Kumbayah? I wonder where you get the pattern for worship which you are certainly engaged in?..hmmmmm.Is it from the scriptures which are our final authority in all matters of faith and practice?...or could it be because everyone else is going down the same road?...Is what you are doing based upon scripture or feelings?..are you trying to satisfy your needs in so called worship or are you attempting to give God something that He couldn't care less about? Worship means to give reverence to...If you wanna reverence God, following His instruction might be a good starting point, what do you think?
Have you become like the Athenians in Acts 17:21 which spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or hear some new thing?
Do you believe you will have an encounter with God through this so called worship service? Paul explains in Acts 17:24 that God dwelleth not in temples made with hands...verse 25: neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing. Also in ..1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?...
So I'll leave it at this...find in the scripture any justification or approval of your manner of worship asribed to the church, which is His body, remembering in "times past" you will find in scripture those who did things contrary to what is acceptable or required of God, resulted in tradgedy.... What if you had never been to another church?, where would you go for instruction on this or anyother matter...what about God's word as our source....what a concept!!!!
Grace and Peace,
Dean Hewitt
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, sometimes the band is so loud they seem to be saying, "look at us how great we are" rather then "look at God how great he is". In my opinion the service when the band went "unplugged" said a whole lot more to me spiritually then when it's loud and crazy. Can we do "unplugged" more???

Anonymous said...

Dean, your view of the music seems a little off, have you ever personally been to Discovery Church?

Council Family said...

I would have tied Jesus's arm to a tree and had the sick line up for miles so we could heal them all more efficeintly....but he disappeared into the desert for days on end fasting and praying....sheesh what a waste.

I would agree with Peter on not eating the God defined unclean meat....but He changed the rules on us.

I would have told Jesus not to be seen at that party with "tax collectors and sinners".

He worked on the Sabbath.
He ok'd the carrying of weapons into the Garden.
He spoke against "religous" men.

Clearly led by something other than men....and so should you and your church Jason.

If the God has called you to speak to the rock...speak to it.
If Jesus tells you to cast your net on the "right" side of the boat...cast it.
If God tells you not to go with not ask again or you will be speaking to a donkey.

Jason, you and your worhip team know what God has led you to do and what you just came up with on your own. Do not compromise on what God has told you to do, either through His revealed word or your quiet time with Him!! However, be willing to "become all things" in those that you came up with on your own....if it is volume then turn it down...if it is clothes, then dress up....only you and your team know.

1Co 9:19-23
(19) For though I am free from all, yet I have made myself servant to all, so that I might gain the more.
(20) And to the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might gain the Jews. To those who are under the Law, I became as under the Law, so that I might gain those who are under the Law.
(21) To those who are outside Law, I became as outside Law (not being outside law to God, but under the Law to Christ), so that I might gain those who are outside Law.
(22) To the weak I became as the weak, so that I might gain the weak. I am made all things to all men, so that I might by all means save some.
(23) And this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I might be partaker of it with you.

Love you guys and praying for you,
James Council

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what Mr Council has said. I truly believe that you spend time with God seeking His councel and His will. Do what you are led to do. As long as the lyrics in the songs that are played are uplifting to God, why not play them? The lights and such may be a distraction to some, but what distracts some engages others. Everyone isn't going to agree on everything as is clearly seen in the responses here, but do what you feel led to do and you will be alright. I hope that Dean Hewitt posts where he blogs (if he does) so I can respond directly to him. I feel that a lot of what he has said in his long, drawn out comments is filled with a lot of "look at how much scripture I know" and not with a clear answer as to what your question was originally.

Brad Christian said...

Let me weigh in here a little bit...

I'm the guy who keeps "hazing" up the situation.

I think this is a positive dialogue.

But bottom line is that worship is not a what we get it is what we bring... Jason said it best during that off the cuff spirit led rant.

The person who wrote the comment is cool in my book. It is great to ask the question. We just have to remember that we can worship God in whatever the context. I have to remind myself of this when I am in an "acoustic" or "traditional" worship environment. Its not what I get out of it, but it is what I bring. So I have to work to focus on God and bring a heart of worship with me. I face many "distractions" in these environments like church organs and high church elements. In those cases I sacrifice my personal taste while in those experiences.

On the flip side some people need to do that when entering into the discovery environment.

When it comes to the environment during Discovery's worship service... well it is similar to a concert venue. However, that is done on purpose. Its not just to be "cool". The real reason we work so hard on our environment is so we can connect with outsiders. Most "non-christians" or "seekers" are used to these elements. Most of the time when they go to see their favorite artist at the RBC Center... Its dark, there is haze, the music is loud, there is lighting that matches the music.

So most normal "outsiders" can connect and relate with a DC weekend experience. They hopefully feel more comfortable and enjoy the music, doughnuts and coffee, and message. Hopefully once they are comfortable they will be able to connect with the message and music and hopefully eventually enter into a relationship with Christ.

So the question to ask yourself is if you are willing or not to sacrifice personal music taste (and maybe wear earbuds) in order to create an environment that an "outsider" can hopefully connect to Christ?

Just remember. We can create a positive environment, but without the holy spirit we can do nothing. So that's why as a church body we need to be consistently praying for the hearts of those who don't know Christ.

Oh yea... inviting people who don't know Christ helps too! The upcoming series will be a great opportunity.

Anonymous said...

So the question remains is it "God-centered" or is it what people like. To much emphasis on the show takes away from God.

Brad Christian said...

Well it depends - are you "God-centered" going into it.

It varies person to person what type of environment is best suited for them. Some people prefer and feel most connected in an acoustic worship service or in a traditional or even in a loud concert like environment.

Some people get very uncomfortable when you start to mention the words show or entertainment in relation to a worship service, but the bottom line is that there is always some form of show.

There has always been a show element to all worship services... even going way back. This is why sanctuaries have stained glass, choirs wear costumes- I mean robes, ushers march to the doxology. Even in churches that have more acoustic worship. There is still show elements. They use sound systems, have a stage, sometimes use candles to help enhance the environment.

No group is wrong in the way they worship. Christian's should be able to worship in all three environments. It still comes down to personal taste.

Anonymous said...

I love rock and comtemporary worship..its how I worship at home singing to Him and LOVE that those who like that kind of worship style music can come together somewhere and sing and be together for HIM in one place. If someone doesn't like that style of music..but likes the service they could just come a little later and leave a little earlier..period, do their worshiping on their own. If I was a member at another church that played hymnals or some other kinda of worship music that I couldn't get into, but chose to be a member there, thats what I would do.... probably would not become a member there to begin with, would find a place that fits my "wants" better. (notice I didn't say needs). it is what it is..... people can make their own choices about where they go and spend their time, but not playing music LOUD or rock music I think would be a huge DIS-service to alot of people, including myself.
I love our band, our church, I LOVE GOD. (in opposite order) and so thankful it's here and exactly the way it is. If it was ANY other way it would not be servicing my personal OTC needs and those of many others... just like other churches who do things in their particular manners would not be meeting the needs of their attenders.

Anonymous said...

Well, although it could have been phrased better, the original question asked in the service is a very valid one. I'm sure all of the ministers at Discovery are constantly asking, "Does X contribute to worship?" Not just about the music, but about the whole service. From the people in charge of welcoming, to the music, to the sermon, and the activities planned through the rest of the week. Call it purpose-driven or whatever, but its a valid question.

However, as others have stated, music gets very controversial because it is such a cultural and generational issue. Music styles change over time, welcome to reality. Even our churches which consider their music old-fashioned have modernized their music. Its not like they are sitting around doing Gregorian chant or playing Bach on a harpsicord are they? Most of the modern hymnal dates from 1860-1920. So I dont buy that red hering that some churches are still doing it 'the original' way. Unless you're Eastern guys win = D

Part of it, I think is as Brad said, is that discovery is trying to reach the average person in Greenville. As a small city with a large college, the average visitor is probably very familiar with a concert type atmosphere.

However, to turn the argument on its head a bit. Part of the reason the music Discovery uses sounds like modern concert music is because concert going Christians wanted to offer their creative worship to God in the way they knew how.

We like to ask the question, "Why does our church music sound like 'secular' music?" The better question would be, "What would happen to our faith if Christians stopped writing music?". We are hard-wired to respond to God. So it should be no surprise that when people who go to concerts want to write music to God about their love for him, it might sound like concert music. But the key is that it isnt just concert music. It has transcended normal 'secular' music and has become worship. Not because of the style, but because of the heart of the artist.

I can't imagine the sadness that would happen to the creative members of our faith if we told them we no longer needed any new music. We may feel we don't need new music, but they NEED to write! This is their worship. So, since new worship music is going to get written anyway (because our artists need to worship) doesnt it make sense to use it to reach people?

I'll end this by saying I am in no way a pop-music guy. Its usually absolute silence for me. However, I understand the audience the church is trying to reach doesnt do the silence thing, and thats great. I have a meditation room in my house just for me = D

Anonymous said...

OTC? Means more than a particular group.

Unknown said...

I posted a long response at