Sunday, March 19, 2006

Long Time .... Short Time

It's been a while since I wrote in here...hard getting used to writing on a regular basis and there's just so much going on. So, it's been a long time. Even so, there's now a very short time left before we launch Discovery Church. I've got to tell you I'm excited. This morning we had a great service with 10 first time visitors. That means that in less than 8 weeks with no advertising at all, we've had almost 90 different people come and check out Discovery. Core group and myself are running into people when we're out and about, and get this...a bunch of them have already heard of Discovery Church!! Isn't that wild?

Just a couple funny stories for you. We had some friends call us a few days back and tell us that they'd gotten lice when they had visited some other friends and that we might have them now. Let me tell you, that is not what an overwhelmed, pregnant mother of 4 wants to hear and I didn't want to hear it either. So we piled all the laundry and linens together and started washing, got all the stuffed animals put in bags, got treatment to wash everyone's head and hair, and started the vacuuming. After 4 loads of laundry, hair cuts and shampoos, etc we got a call back from our friends saying "false alarm". If you've got kids or have ever had lice, you know what that was like.

Ok, I story. I need to get some rest before we dip under 14 days until launch.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I was just in FL to do a wedding for an awesome couple that I had the privilege of watching grow up and then serve with me in the student ministry I lead. They're actually moving up here to Greenville a couple of days after their honeymoon (a week from today actually). Anyhow, it was a great ceremony and I enjoyed every moment of my time down there. But as soon as the wedding was over and I talked to a few people, I had to get to the airport so I could get home for our church service Sunday morning. Well, the plane was late, they lost a piece of my luggage and I finally got home a few hours before I had to get up and set up for church and then speak. What's funny is I spoke about REST and the fourth commandment.

So I had this great couple of days in FL, got home and saw my wife and kids and now today, I'm bummin. It's like a major letdown and I don't really know why. There's 27 more days until we launch and I've got plenty to do, and there's a real excitement, but I feel let down. Well hey, sometimes we've got those days...and if I can't figure out why I feel that way I guess I just need to press on. Something's got to change, and it might as well be me.