Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going Green

Unless you live in your own little world, you know that one of the latest trends is to "go green."  All that means is to be or become more environmentally conscious and use recycled or renewable stuff rather than pollutants and plastic (or at least that's my take).  So apparently, the Ebeling house is going green.  Or at least our pool is.   I don't like it one bit.
Seems that part that turns salt into chlorine is no longer working so all the chemicals I dumped in to try and get things right were wasted and I need to replace that part before we can get rid of the green.  Arrggg.

I think it's like some of the trends in the church world though.  They sound good, but don't fit every location and situation.  Not every church is supposed to be multi-site or "contemporary" (whatever that means) or emergent or "not your Grandma's church" or even "seeker sensitive"  There's a million other buzz words and trends that sound good - especially when explained and examined in light of a church that's successfully doing it.  But just like going green isn't good when applied to my pool....following the latest trend isn't always healthy for the local church.  Just figured I'd share.  Anybody up for a swim?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Great Day

All in all, yesterday was a great day.  It was Tanner's birthday so before heading up to church, I sat and had breakfast with him and the rest of the family (Sundays are usually cereal but we had cinnamon rolls).  Then church totally blew me out of the water.  We ran out of parking and had to squeeze people into the grass and almost behind the building.  We ran out of chairs and had to steal them from wherever we could find them.  It was crazy.

Since it was Tanner's birthday we left before tear down was done and grabbed lunch at Chili's (gotta love gift cards) and then I took the boys to Fusion Skatepark 'cause Tanner wanted to skate.  I was impressed.  The kid is brave AND can jump.  Check this pic out from the outside area.

We came home, sang, ate and watched a couple movies and he had a sleepover (which you can only do the day before school starts when the guests are homeschooled).  Then before crashing into bed, I tucked the girls in and got to hear Hannah singing her rendition of Amazing Grace.  I'm blessed beyond words.  Love my family, kids, wife and life.  And loved the day yesterday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Even Fans Leave

One thing I've gotten more used to as we've gotten older is that people leave churches for all kinds of reason - and that's totally ok and even healthy. In fact, while it usually hurts personally when people leave, I've never personally experienced it being a bad thing for the church itself. So let me just say, if you want to leave or need to leave, go ahead and do it. I only ask that you at least let your church or pastor know that you're leaving and if it's necessary, share why (hopefully after you've done everything you can to improve things).

I got to thinking about this because of an email I got that mentioned how one of our current PARTners had run into somebody who used to attend Discovery over a year ago when we were meeting at the high school. When they left, it hurt, but they told us why and we could respect that. Well, the person who used to attend a year ago, had nothing but great things to say about us and the church. This family left Discovery, but they never stopped being a fan and that's what makes it ok when people leave.

Let me put it this way. I cheer for Notre Dame football (even after last year) and for the Minnesota Vikings and Twins. I've been to their games, gone to where they play and meet. But the one thing I've never done is move into or even spend the night in Notre Dame Stadium or the Metrodome. Why? Because there comes a time when even fans need to leave. When I left I didn't stop cheering them on....I was still a fan, even though I wasn't there. We need more of that in the Christian community. We need to be fans of other people's ministries, churches, pastors, and when people do leave, we need to do whatever we can to let them leave but still be a fan who cheers us on. It's ok to make fans, it's not ok to make them prisoners and try to keep them locked in when it's time for them to be released.

What do you think? What's been your experience?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Watermelon Festival

The Winterville Watermelon Festival is coming up t his weekend. For the past three years, Discovery has been there and set up a Baby Changing Station (where we provide everything you'd need to change your baby except the labor - it's waaaayyy closer than walking back to your car). We've also given out candy, individual sunscreen packs, bug repellent wipes and candy. Well this year things are different. Like we can't set up on Thursday and Friday - only Saturday. What's up with that? Even though it's like the 20th year they've done it, things seem more corporate, stale and business-like this year instead of home town-ish.

In fact, I laughed this morning when I was at Cubbies and somebody from the Festival wanted to drop off flyers and Mark (the owner) told him not to, but if he wanted to leave them he could - they'd just get thrown away. Why? Because after being a vendor at the Festival for the past 9 years, one of the changes is no drink sales - everything has to go through Pepsi. So no Cubbies at the Festival this year (and no festival stuff at Cubbies)

We're going anyhow. Thursday starting at 7:30 people will be near the park entrance handing out candy, cards and glow sticks to anyone passing through. Might do it Friday too - we'll see on the response from an email I sent out since nobody signed up for Friday. Then Saturday, we have a spot, the Baby Changing Station and a few thousand sunscreen packs to hand out (hope it's sunny!)

If you want to help out, you can just show up, but it would help if you'd shoot me an email and let us know you plan on being there. Just tell us when and how many are coming. If you're not able to come, would you at least pray. It takes time for people to believe that we really care and we're about at that point where people will start to recognize us as regulars instead of another flash-in-the-pan ministry. Who knows. God might use our kindness to move some people closer to Him.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My First "Hater"

Couldn't go to bed tonight without getting this off my mind. I found out tonight about my first "hater." What's a 'hater'? Someone who really doesn't like you, what you do or what you stand for so much that they spew hate to anyone close enough to listen.

It goes like this. One of the guys from my small group just got a job at a place and happens to have someone who's been to Discovery (twice maybe) there who works for him. When the guy introduced himself apparently, he made himself out to be some "super Christian" who's had about 100 people come to Christ through his "ministry." I say "ministry" because I don't know what it is - but I do think it's cool that 100 people are following Christ so props for that. Anyhow, when he asked my friend where he goes to church and he said Discovery that apparently signaled open season. He started going off about how loud the music was and how bad I am and what a jerk I am. Sounds like he made comments for the whole first week they worked together until my friend told him he better quit.

Funny thing is, this guy never said one word to me. No email, phone call, letter, conversation, nothing. Just spreadin' the hate. And that's another characteristic of 'haters' - they hide. They're like little spiritual terrorists. I honestly feel bad for the guy. And on top of his anti-biblical approach to confronting a brother ('cause he never has), it sounds like his marriage isn't doing too well and he may be separated from his wife. Maybe that's the real reason he's so angry.

Just had to get that off my chest before I went to sleep. Would you take a second before you click over to something else to say a quick prayer for him (and his marriage)? He could obviously use a little love since he's certainly not showing any.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Why My Kids Are Cool

Have to leave in a few minutes to head out for Second Saturday Service (yeah, this time it's not the 2nd Saturday) and help move students into the dorms at ECU. It's an annual event for us. But before I go, I wanted to brag on my kids for a bit because I think they're that cool

Yesterday I took Champ golfing. He's been asking to go for months. The driving range doesn't count, he wanted to go play on a "real course." So we went out and played 9 holes. His first ever. And he did GREAT. We counted every stroke and this 7 year old shot a 71. That's really good considering he can't hit the ball more than about 100 yards shot. He had a blast and so did I. He's so cool.

I get home and the lawn's been mowed. I obviously didn't do it, no, my 11 year old did. Tyler mowed and trimmed and put the mower back. Any of you who hate yard work know just how cool that makes him.

Putting Hannah to bed is always an adventure. She's got opinions and shares them, loudly. Well, she sleeps with her "bear" and we couldn't find him. She's been told he needs to stay in her room, but we figured she took him out and left him somewhere so after looking around, Lora just put her to bed. She was yelling so I came in to see why. She was pointing to the laundry basket and saying "bear daaaat". Sure enough, she hid bear in there. I turned to leave and she yelled, "soooogggg" Sarah translated that it meant, "song" and she wanted me to sing so I sang a verse of Amazing Grace, prayed and tried to leave, but she yelled, "Hannah paaay" which means she wanted to pray. So she said something like "blglbdblg Sarah, mmmmmb b lll eeleleleee amen" and I said Amen and left thinking - she's so cool.

I'll share a couple more later...gotta run.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Catch Up

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last blogged and part of me missed it and part of me didn't.  There's been plenty going on.  Last week I was out most of it because Lora and I took a few days to get away and celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.  Sounds like a long time, but it's gone by really quick and I love her even more now than I did then then.  Funny how that works.

We had fun though.  Dropped the kids off with her parents and she had booked a room at our favorite Bed and Breakfast ever: The Red Rocker Inn in Black Mountain.  We went here back before we ever had kids, and a few times since.  

While most people might do something considered more "romantic" we hit the national forest and went hiking (love finding waterfalls) and made a stop at Sliding Rock which is a natural rock water slide.  Wore ourselves out, but that was a good reason to stay in our room the rest of the night.

Next day we did a little more hiking and then headed over to Asheville.  Let's just say it's an artsy, eclectic place with a lot of interesting people.  We stayed for the Friday night drum circle they have in the middle of a park.  
Again, interesting mix of people.

And right now, I'm updating my blog instead of working because it doesn't take quite as much concentration since I'm watching the kids because Hannah was sick and Lora has jury duty.  Don't get me started about the whole "civic responsibility" of jury duty.  Let's just say I wish the people she's heard about so far were either smarter so they didn't get caught or dumber and just admitted that they were wrong and took their punishment.  Stupid criminals.