Saturday, August 16, 2008

Why My Kids Are Cool

Have to leave in a few minutes to head out for Second Saturday Service (yeah, this time it's not the 2nd Saturday) and help move students into the dorms at ECU. It's an annual event for us. But before I go, I wanted to brag on my kids for a bit because I think they're that cool

Yesterday I took Champ golfing. He's been asking to go for months. The driving range doesn't count, he wanted to go play on a "real course." So we went out and played 9 holes. His first ever. And he did GREAT. We counted every stroke and this 7 year old shot a 71. That's really good considering he can't hit the ball more than about 100 yards shot. He had a blast and so did I. He's so cool.

I get home and the lawn's been mowed. I obviously didn't do it, no, my 11 year old did. Tyler mowed and trimmed and put the mower back. Any of you who hate yard work know just how cool that makes him.

Putting Hannah to bed is always an adventure. She's got opinions and shares them, loudly. Well, she sleeps with her "bear" and we couldn't find him. She's been told he needs to stay in her room, but we figured she took him out and left him somewhere so after looking around, Lora just put her to bed. She was yelling so I came in to see why. She was pointing to the laundry basket and saying "bear daaaat". Sure enough, she hid bear in there. I turned to leave and she yelled, "soooogggg" Sarah translated that it meant, "song" and she wanted me to sing so I sang a verse of Amazing Grace, prayed and tried to leave, but she yelled, "Hannah paaay" which means she wanted to pray. So she said something like "blglbdblg Sarah, mmmmmb b lll eeleleleee amen" and I said Amen and left thinking - she's so cool.

I'll share a couple more later...gotta run.


Dean and Mary said...

I always thought your kids were cool because they had you and Lora as parents. : )

e said...

heck yeah they're cool. :)

ps. can you have tyler teach jared to mow the lawn w/o us begging him to do it?!? that would be great.