Tuesday, March 31, 2009

God, Satan and Belief

Watched a recording of Nightline's Faceoff where the two sides were attempting to answer the question "Does Satan Exist?"  The panelists were Pastor Mark Driscoll and Annie Lobert (who say, Yes, Satan exists) and Deepak Chopra and Bishop Carlton Pearson (who say No, Satan does not exist).

I thought it was an amazing discussion and thought Mark Driscoll did an amazing job presenting the Gospel with clarity and conviction.  Why don't you go check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.

You can watch it HERE

Monday, March 30, 2009

Customer Service

Over the past month, I've experienced good and bad customer service.  If you follow my twitter feed at all, you know that my heat went out and it took 3+ weeks to get it fixed (long story).  I couldn't get people to call me back or otherwise communicate with me.  I didn't know what was going on, but I did know that something was broken.  After that, the program I use to keep my contacts and calendar synchronized on my computer and Blackberry decided it didn't want to work.  After following tech support's suggestion, I wiped my Blackberry to reinstall and now I have NO calendar dates instead of just unsynchronized ones.  It's going on 3 weeks with this problem too and still no solution and no contact unless I initiate it.

Then there's today.  Today I had a good experience.  Had a small problem I couldn't solve, emailed the company, and within hours, had not just contact, but resolution.  How hard was that?

All this got me thinking.  I wonder how many people show up at our churches or in our ministries and feel like they don't matter, aren't recognized and like we don't care?  Are we waiting for them to contact us first, to ask for help, to call the church to rescue them before we respond?  Or, are we taking steps to be proactive, to identify issues and try to address them as soon as we become aware of them?

I'd like to think Discovery is better at serving the people in this community than most of the companies that I've dealt with lately.  I think when people are guests at Discovery, we make a big deal out of it, we honor them, identify them, communicate with them and do whatever we can to serve them.  I feel like we're serving the community by offering them a "no-strings attached" event with Greenville's Largest Easter Egg Hunt.  I'm excited that we're going to be hosting another event a few weeks later to help people find hope in the midst of this financial meltdown when we host Dave Ramsey's live 'Town Hall For Hope' event on Thursday, April 23rd at 8PM.
for some reason the "Find out More" link doesn't work.  Click HERE instead

Just remember people, we're here to serve (both Christ and others)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Communication and Misunderstanding

It's been a week since my last post and there's been plenty of discussion, questions and dialogue both on and offline.  What I find interesting is that what I was trying to communicate was misunderstood by some, mischaracterized by others and agreed with by still others.  So what gives?  Well, communication can be a tricky thing sometimes.

I remember learning this lesson early, that it's not just what is said (or typed or written) that matters or counts in understanding someone.  We need context, sometimes we need to ask for clarification.  But what it always comes down to is being able to answer whether or not we understand the author's intent.  Have we grasped what the author is trying to communicate?

When I was in seminary, I was taught that while there can often be many applications for any particular passage of Scripture, there is only one correct interpretation - and that is what the author meant to communicate.  That's why Bible studies that only ask, "what do you think?" kind of questions but don't dig in and ask "what is he trying to say?" are dangerous.  What we think isn't the final authority - what the author was trying to communicate is.

It's the same thing with any conversation.  We've all experienced times where we heard what someone said, but because of their voice, face, circumstances or whatever we also understood exactly what they meant, and that's what's most important.  For instance, I ask people all the time how they're doing and most people say something like "I'm fine."  But I also pay attention and sometimes notice that what they said doesn't match what they mean - they say "fine" but what they mean is "I'm not really sure you care how I'm doing so I'll just say 'I'm fine'".  Watching their face, paying attention to the context and asking for clarification yields the real meaning behind their words.

Blogs, emails, texts and other impersonal forms of communication are notorious for causing misunderstandings.  Why?  Because they lack other elements that help clarify.  The more information we have, the easier it is to understand what someone is trying to communicate.  The less we have, the more likely we are to misunderstand, mischaracterize and mishandle the information and words we do have.

So when you hear or read something you think you don't like or don't agree with, make sure you understand what that person was trying to say.  You can decide for them, but you might have reached the wrong conclusion because remember, it's not about "what do you think?"  Before you can ever go there, you have to be clear on "what is he trying to say?"  It's what makes the job of being a pastor and communicating for a living, difficult.  And it's where people run into a lot of problems with what the Bible has to say about various things - when they don't understand, they jump right to the question "what do I think?" without pausing long enough to make sure they can correctly answer the question "what is he trying to say?"  Don't make that same mistake.  Take all information into consideration and clarify if necessary.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Spiritual Gifts" I Don't Want

There are always going to be "those kind of people" and I know that.  I think I've also identified a few of the "gifts" that make them so especially annoying and tough to tolerate and I've concluded that I don't want their "spiritual gifts" that they seem so intent on exercising in the church and for the supposed glory of God.  People who have these "gifts" are constantly exercising them and putting them to "good use."  In fact, they often don't recognize that they have these "gifts" and using them is natural and like second-nature.  I hope you don't have any of these gifts, but if you do, I hope you stay far, far away from Discovery Church and also keep them hidden and unused at any church.

The "Spiritual Gift" of 'Well I think..."
A person with this gift loves to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas with everyone.  They always have a better way of doing things and can tell you story after story of how something isn't being done right.  Of course they also have an acute understanding of why all these problem exists in the church, and of course, how they would fix it - and most sentences start with, "Well I think...."  Thoughts are often devoid of any biblical wisdom but loaded with plenty of personal pride.

The "Spiritual Gift" of Criticism
These people can not sit through a service, attend any function or serve well in any ministry because they always see the glass as half empty.  They look for every little thing that's wrong instead of celebrating the things that are right.  They are constant initiators of disagreements and dissatisfaction because they often work behind the scenes pointing out all that's wrong without ever lifting a finger to fix it.  They can do this up close, but they often choose to work from a distance, jump to conclusions and use limited knowledge.  Their criticism is often communicated either anonymously or through emails, letter, blogs, wall posts or other impersonal means.

The "Spiritual Gift" of Opposition
These people have a deeply felt belief that they need to be against anything and everything that doesn't fit their understanding of the Bible, God and the teachings of Christ.  They are right, all others are wrong.  If they think a certain translation of the Bible is right - all others must be wrong and so they oppose them.  If they think a particular denomination or style of worship is right, all others are wrong and they oppose them.  The same goes for theological issues - whatever conclusion they've reached is right and all others are wrong, so they oppose them.  They aren't passive opposers, but active attackers who feel that exercising this spiritual gift is a God-given responsibility regardless of how they approach it.

The "Spiritual Gift" of Justifying
Those with this gift find any and every reason to explain away their thoughts, conclusions and behaviors without ever considering that maybe,just maybe, they should change them.  If they're rude and disrespectful, it's ok, because they're just trying to share the truth and people don't like the truth.  If they sin, there's always a good reason that makes it alright in that particular situation. They can never actually be accused of doing wrong because they know they're always right.

The "Spiritual Gift" of Discouragement
This is perhaps the most popular and prevalent of the gifts I don't want.  People with this gift are always ready to give an answer to the hope that you have and it's usually in the form of why they couldn't or wouldn't and why you shouldn't do something.  Want to reach out to the community in a creative way?  Someone with this gift would say you shouldn't, maybe because it's not Biblical or it will cost too much or even just that they don't like it; anything to discourage you.  They have the uncanny ability to manufacture reasons why things cannot be done, as well as supporting thoughts about all that would go wrong if you did do it.  They find joy in others failures because it often provides the opportunity for them to say, "I told you so" while giving them a reference point for the next time they want to discourage you.

How frustrating and disappointing it is that people with these kinds of gifts are the ones that get the most attention in the church.  They give us a bad name and give Christ a black-eye.  And I'm sure there are others I missed.  What are some of the "spiritual gifts" that you don't want?

Monday, March 16, 2009


Frustrations aren't really anything new.  Everybody has something that frustrates them.  It might be their spouse or kids, their boss, some government issue, their church, school, car, hair or pet.  Honestly, it could be anything.  I've been frustrated lately with a few things, the least of which is repairs.
  • Two weeks ago, the heat/air in my house went out - still not fixed
  • When my watch had the crystal broken, I sent it off to be repaired - got a notice telling me it would cost $222 to replace the crystal and clean dust off the face.  Nice try Citizen.
  • I've been driving around on the spare to my truck because basically I'm too cheap (and don't really NEED) to buy new tires yet.
  • My Blackberry has started acting very slow - like something's wrong with it
  • The synchronization software I use to sync the Blackberry with my Mac was giving me problems but came out with an update - that has now made the problems worse
  • Think I may have noticed a leak in my roof now - hope that's not it but based on the rest of this list it's par for the course
  • We have two remotes - one for the TV, one for the DVD/stereo.  Both are now missing the battery covers
  • Spent hours working to get the new homeschool laptop getting Rosetta Stone's Spanish to work on it (made me loath Vista) - all because one of the kids broke the other one
  • Warranty Company that's supposed to be making sure my heating/air gets fixed (so far they suck at it) authorized it for us to buy a space heater that they'd reimburse us for - only problem is nobody is selling them now
  • Vacuum cleaner broke and need a $50 part to fix it

I could go on, but you get the idea.  So to say I'm a little frustrated is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

I've been asking myself "what am I supposed to be learning here?" and I keep coming back to 'contentment'. 
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength
Philippians 4:11-13

So I guess, despite my frustrations - I'll be content - OK with how things are because they could certainly be worse.  So thanks God, I think I've learned the lesson.  Can we start a new one tomorrow please?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Evangelicalism Needs a Funeral?

Read this article and think that a lot of the conclusions are right on.  Are we part of the problem?  Is there a solution?  What do you think?

Please read the article, but come back here and leave a comment about your reaction and thoughts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

PARTnership Class

Saturday at 5:30PM we have another PARTnership Class.  If you're planning on coming, it's at the Boys and Girls Club and it's going to be upstairs (bet you didn't know they even had an upstairs)

I just wanted to take a minute and share what PARTnership is and why we do it.

A lot of churches have membership.  There's nothing wrong with that, I just don't like the word.  I think the word "membership" is more of a selfish, prideful thing today than it should be and it doesn't really describe the relationship a person has with the church.  When I hear someone say they're a "member" - I hear that they're attached to the degree that they feel is acceptable.

For instance, I hear people say they have a gym membership, and then I look at them, notice they're unhealthy, overweight, untoned and out of shape.  I see they're attached, but not committed.  People have a Sam's Club, BJ's or Costco membership.  But people don't get those to make the company better, they join to get cheap prices and make they're lives or budgets better.

I think PARTnership more accurately describes how the church and believers relate.  Believers are a PART of the Church universal, and they need to be a PART of a local church too.  Believers all have spiritual gifts given to them by God for the benefit of all.  Paul talks about that in 1 Corinthians 12 and he reminds us that when it comes to the church, the church is like a body and "...the body is not made up of one PART but of many." [v. 14]  PARTnership implies that we are co-dependent and working together for the good of all, not just our own self-interests.

So, if you desire to be a PART of Discovery Church, understand that you won't be comfortable here if you just want to "park your membership," show up on Sundays and get something out of it without any intension of putting something into it.  We're asking God for workers because "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few".  We'd love to have you PARTner with us in the work of reaching Greenville with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  See you at 5:30 Saturday?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Greenville's Largest Egg Hunt


We're doing something we've never done here at Discovery.  During a time when it seems like all the news wants to focus on is how bad the market is doing and how many jobs are being lost and how much worse it's going to get, we want to offer something positive to look forward to and take part in.  We want to be a blessing to our community and this is just one way to show we care.


One of our goals for the year is to personally “touch” over 10,000 people in Greenville.  We do that by serving.  Sometimes it’s Second Saturday Service, other times it’s big events or helping groups like the Girl Scouts or the Boys and Girls Club.  This includes all that!  Obviously we'll have a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt for all ages, and free hotdogs for lunch afterwards, along with a few surprises.


Saturday, April 11th - Easter Weekend  11AM



The Boys and Girls Club

621 West Firetower Rd

Winterville, NC


We’ll invite the community and somehow figure out a way to get hundreds (hopefully thousands?) here to hunt for 12,000 eggs filled with candy, toys and prizes!


OK, Discovery people and others, here’s where you come in.  We need everyone’s help to pull this off.  NEXT Saturday (March 14th) is Second Saturday Service and we’ll spend this one planning for the Egg Hunt.  We’ll form teams, assign duties and start filling eggs with candy and/or small toys.  Please purchase and bring individually wrapped candy (that will fit in a plastic egg) and small toys.  And start asking friends and business owners to donate give-a-way items!  This is going to be HUGE!  Anyone willing to donate prizes (things kids would want like iPods, video game stations and games, sports equipment, etc) please contact info@discoverychurchonline.com for where to bring/ship it and what it is.  And start spreading the news.

Because I'm Just In That Kind Of Mood

I don't know why, but I know it's true.  Unexpected farts are funny no matter where they happen.  Don't believe me?  Watch

Just Gotta Smile

Sometimes you just have to smile.  Here's what made me smile this morning.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Why We Do It This Way.

It's funny when people find out that our church meets at a Boys & Girls Club, they almost always ask or at least wonder silently, "When are you going to get a building?"  I laugh because I know they don't really understand.

Would a building be a good thing?  Maybe, but I don't know and I think it depends.  What I do know is that by sharing space, we cut our expenses so we can spend more on people.  I don't think setting up and tearing down each week is a burden - I think it's a blessing.  Why?  We get to spend time serving others together.  When we set up the screens, stage, lights and lyrics, it's not for us as much as it's for people who we expect to come and be our guests.  We want to honor them by being prepared for them and so we serve them each week when we get ready for them.  But it doesn't stop there.

We have what I think is a very good relationship with the Boys and Girls Club and we offer them our help, services and even partner in purchasing stuff all the time.  Why?  Because that's why we're there - not for us but for others.  Just today, I met with the Executive Director and his staff to coordinate a fundraising lunch where we'll transform the same old gym into a banquet hall using "our stuff."  We'll set it up, run sound, run video for them.  Why?  To help them succeed and bring in some more pledge donors.  And when I got home, I had a box of assorted Girl Scout Cookies and an envelope with a donation to Discovery from the coordinator for the Girl Scouts.  Why?  because we helped them put on a successful Father/Daughter dance using some of "our stuff" at the Boys and Girls Club.

We borrow "our stuff" out all the time - for weddings, plays, banquets, events, luncheons, dinners, expos, etc.  Why?  Because we can, and we want to be a blessing to others in our community whenever possible.  We set up and tear down all the time.  It's part of who we are.  We serve others because we feel like we've been blessed so we can be a blessing.  Our impact isn't limited to our location, and that's why we do it this way. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Prayer and Thankfulness

This is Jonah Williams - a baby I've never met, with parents (Matt & Patrice) that I've never met, who could certainly use more prayers from other people they've never met.  Why?
Well Jonah was born with a serious and rare skin disorder (called EB) that 
is life threatening.  The skin is easily damaged and breaks and falls off. The parents had another child (Gabe) who was stillborn and may have had the same disorder.  They are a young couple that is doing their best to trust God in some of the most difficult circumstances.

On Sunday after church we had a meeting with some guys who are helping us establish elders here at Discovery and when going through prayer requests - Matt and Patrice and
 their baby came up.  Then today, I get an email about them from a completely different source.  I've read some of the updates at their blog (I'd encourage you to as well) and I can't help but think that I can help - because I can pray.

The other thing is something I don't understand.  Why has God blessed me the way He has?  Why do Lora and I have 5 healthy children?  We're not any better.  We didn't do anything to deserve it.  It just doesn't seem fair or right.  But this is what is and I rejoice in my position and am thankful (even more so at the moment) for my kids, my family, my health - for life and for being loved by God.

So, please take a moment to pray for Jonah.  Pray for Matt and Patrice.  And take a moment to thank God for the undeserved blessings in your life.  Everyone can do that.

Monday, March 02, 2009

What I Think

Since this is my blog, I get to tell you what I think.  You may not care - and that's fine, but here are a mass of tangentially related thoughts floating around in my head.
  • I think I'm both sad and excited at the same time to be done with 6 Things I Hate About Christians.  Sad because of the amazing response people had but excited because I get to work on a new series in Colossians - Open Door Policy
  • I think yesterday was an amazing church day.  Personally connected with the worship, felt good about the message, and I always love when we have a Communion Meal at Discovery
  • I do think the new budget submitted by the President is too much spending and not enough cutting of expenses.  Oh, and taking more from people who have more - bad idea.
  • I think somebody needs to find us some FREE office space.  It's hard working from home, coffee shops, fast food joints and restaurants.
  • I think Facebook is a great way to connect with people
  • I think Twitter is great because I like knowing what's going on in people's lives (and I can use it to update my Facebook status, which apparently people enjoy reading) but it can be a major distraction if I'm not careful
  • I think we as a church need to pray more and plan less
  • I think it's absolutely one of the grossest things to catch my dog eating it's own crap and then remembering that I let her lick me.
  • I think having 5 kids isn't enough (at least at this moment - ask me again when they do something stupid or break another laptop)
  • I think seeing people who are already Christian being changed by Christ is just as much of a success as seeing people who aren't Christians getting "saved" and being changed into sons and daughters of God Himself
  • I think I still don't understand the power, grace and love of God
  • I think between my wife and I, I most definitely got the better deal.
  • I think that as a church, Discovery should and will be able to directly touch 10,000 people in Greenville this year through community involvement, service and acts of kindness.  We're already over 1,000 touches.
  • I think email should only work 6 days a week.  Period.  It just shouldn't work on Sunday (or some other day, just pick one - I don't care)
  • I think my BlackBerry phone is fine, but when it is supposed to work with Mac, it's not.  And I'm now using MissingSync which has only made things NOTICEABLY worse since I upgraded to version 2.0.  So either the Blackberry sucks or the MissingSync sucks.
  • I think an iPhone would solve that problem - but I'm waiting until they come out with a new iPhone
  • I think technology is a blessing and a curse - depends on the day and my mood
  • I think this week is going to be interesting and this weekend is going to be great!
  • I think there are too many whiners and not enough people doing something to change their own circumstances - just whining about what others should do or why they're in the situation they're in.  Come on people, take responsibility and take care of your problems.
  • I think I'm done - for now. 
So, what do you think?