Sunday, July 30, 2006
No Such Thing As Too Many
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Must Be Gas
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
What I'm Thinking
I'm thinking that the future looks promising. Nearly everyone who hears about Discovery Church has a positive response. This labratory we call Discovery is producing a lot of new "discoveries". Have I said that word enough....discovery. In a couple weeks we'll have our first baptism in the parking lot of the high school right after service. It promises to be pretty interesting. ECU students are moving back to campus in less than a month and we're planning on teams of people helping them move into the dorms. New small groups will be starting in September and hopefully the city will run it's adult flag football league and we'll field a few teams. The long range future has us starting another church before 2008, opening a house or apartment complex that provides a rent-free place to stay for husbands who are separated from their wives but willing to do whatever it takes to save their marriage, and at least one small group in every neighborhood in Greenville and Winterville.
I'm also thinking that ministry is funny and I wish somebody would have told me about all the 'stuff' I'd have to learn about like lease agreements, video editing, updating websites, constructing stage props, making church portable, blogging, all kinds of audio tech stuff, personnel management, hiring/firing, how to ask for donations, how NOT to ask for donations, flannelgraphs and how to back a trailer up. Didn't learn any of that in seminary....maybe they just should have taught us how to delegate.
Friday, July 21, 2006
The UNHEARD Sound of Silence
Hopefully that "joyful noise" will end before it did last night. I think I said it was 11:30 when it ended last night in the message, but it actually started around 11:30 and didn't end until 2:30AM. None of us were what you might call "a happy camper".
I love it when people use the wrong words because it's funny to me. Tanner did it the other day when I told him if he continued acting the way he'd been acting, I wouldn't let him play with his brothers. He later told Lora that he was being good because he didn't want to be insulated (instead of isolated). And then Sarah had a cut (otherwise known as an "owie") and was very forceful in her asking for a rubber band (when she meant band-aid)
Good Things
I'm still amazed that people have heard about Discovery Church. Sure, we sent out 25,000+ mailers a few times and serve out in the community, but it's a big world, we're a small, 3 month old, start-up church, and I frankly don't know that many people. Anyway, we still run into people who have heard (good things even) about Discovery and are planning on making a visit soon. At least that's what they tell me. On top of that, there are a lot of people who really are looking for a church - a place to belong. We are doing what we can to be that kind of place and not to wait for people to find us, but to go and find them.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Bringing Home Baby and a Day Off

There She Is...
Let me just say that the whole entire family loves their new little sister Hannah. In fact, a lot of the disagreements that happen now center around who gets to hold or 'play' with Hannah. Who said having a big family isn't a great thing...I wouldn't do it any other way. Although, Hannah didn't have a good bed time last night and after over an hour of grunting and fussing for absolutely no reason, she got moved to my closet. We both slept better after that believe it or not.
What's This???

Monday, July 17, 2006
Since coming home with the baby, we've had a bunch of very kind people bringing us dinner. You sure can't beat not having to cook. It's all been really good. It's also ALL been chicken (except the first meal brought by before we got back from the hospital - it was spaghetti pie). We've had chicken wings, chicken tetrazinni, whole chickens, chicken tenderloins, baked chicken, chicken casserole and chicken tenders. I'm not complaining. I like chicken. Really. But I am going to say that I heard we've got tacos coming for dinner tonight and I'm really excited....not sure if it's because I REALLY like tacos or because it's not chicken. Maybe a little of both. Looks like we've got chicken coming a couple more times this week before the meals stop and I'm looking forward to it...because it's later on in the week. Almost a week of chicken is good for now.
Hannah Update
We took Hannah to the doctor this morning and she's gaining plenty of weight. She's up to 8lbs already. Sleeps at least 4 hours at night - should be longer now that Lora got the doctor's ok not to wake her up. She's pretty cute too. IMHO
Friday, July 14, 2006
I'm A New Man
Still Overwhelmed (in a good way)
Being home provided a little more reflective time to ponder wha has just happened in my life. All the kids were in our room, on our bed this morning while Lora was feeding Hannah. I looked at each one of them and wondered why I've been so absolutely blessed by God with these kids. I love each one of them and they each bring something different to this family. I'm overwhelmed by this great family.
On top of that, as we've been sharing Hannah's birth with people, I've realized again how blessed we are. People from from all over - Texas, Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Ohio, South Carolina and more places have called or posted comments here on line about how they've prayed for us and Hannah. First off, thanks. Hannah's umbilical cord was small, short and wrapped around her neck when she came out. Even though she was 7lbs 12oz she was still our smallest baby and her size was a concern to doctors 3 weeks ago. We've wondered how things may have turned out if all these people hadn't been praying. We'll never know this side of eternity, but I'm convinced that things would have been very different without all those specific prayers. Again, I'm overwhelmed.
One More Thing
Finally, here we are in North Carolina for just over a year, starting a brand new church that's been going for only 3 months and I'm able to spend this time with my wife, kids and newborn. People (most of whom we've known for 3 months or less) have volunteered to bring meals for the next couple of weeks. God's assembled a capable staff that are continuing to plan and develop ministry without missing a beat. And they've even divided up the Sunday morning speaking so I have one less thing to worry about for the next few weeks.
When we moved here knowing virtually nobody but with a dream and vision for starting a new church, I never forsaw what's happening now. Didn't know how God would work things out, but was confident enough in my calling to know that he would. I'm so undeserving, so humbled and so grateful to be able to ride this church planting roller coaster. God is faithful and I continue to be overwhelmed.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Baby Likes Music

They do the coolest thing here....they give the babies iPods loaded with nursery music and these cool looking headphones that just stick on over the babies ears. Hannah really liked it and I wish we would have had it last night since she really didn't sleep much. Nothing more than an hour or so at a time.
In reality, Hannah just had to have her hearing checked and so the stuff in the picture is just how they hook up and register brainwaves when they run sound through those little ear cups. She passed her first test...must be a genius huh? Reality is also very little sleep, but I wouldn't trade it for anything...I've got myself a winning poker hand now....full house....kings over queens.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Meet Your Family Hannah...

Three out of four of these guys got what they wanted...a sister. One will happily accept it. I think Tyler was the most excited...he and Lora had been "feuding" over what "it" was because Lora referred to the baby as a "he" and Tyler regularly reminded Lora to use "her" instead. When he first saw Hannah and found out he had a sister he pumped his fists like he just scored a touchdown. What a blessing to see.
Lora and I have both been extremely encouraged to read the comments from so many of you. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to type out what you did. Lora says it's definitely going to make it's way into a scrapbook. How cool to have so many friends praying for and encouraging us from all around the country. Glad you could be a part of this special day.
Still Waiting
Anyhow, last check she was at about 5cm and they were expecting delivery before noon if not by 10AM. We'll keep you posted.
Water Broke
Yeah, like anyone is actually up and reading this thing at 4AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
No Baby (yet)
In just a few hours, we go to the hospital so that Lora can get checked in, get some medicine to "loosen things up" and then try to sleep at the hospital (sure, right) until tomorrow when she's scheduled to be induced. We're ready to see this baby....still don't know what it is.
My Day

So what did I do with my "last" day? I worked on the pool. Brent and Dusty came and helped me get the liner in and we're filling it up. Looks good. Smells new. Goes really slow when you have to use just a couple regular garden hoses. Here's a picture...don't know what the wrinkles are, but hopefully they'll work themselves out (with a little help) as it fills up.
Keep Checking
Be sure to check out the blog often tomorrow since I can post here from Lora's cell phone (not from mine though so no pictures right away). Lora has Sprint and I have Alltel. Why I can't post from an Alltel phone I don't know...kinda frustrating. Oh well...keep checking and I'll at least post what sex, size, time and all that. Be prayin for us.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
A Pool Would Be Nice

Almost a month ago, I started filling the pool with water....everything looked so promising. My wife and I went out on a date, left the kids with someone and left the water on. We came back and they said they'd been hearing "booms" and "cracks" and thought we were playing a joke on them. I went to investigate and saw that all the incoming water weighed too much for the liner to support and it just pulled down the wall until the liner finally came off. I took the hint and shut off the stupid hose.
Back To Work
So today I thought I'd go back to work (since there's no baby yet and I most likely have until Tuesday) Got the old liner drained and out last night and figured today I'd just get some more sand, smooth it all out again, lay out the liner, start filling it with water, and be done by this afternoon. Silly me, nobody sells sand on Saturday. Seriously. I should have known I guess. Now I have Monday to get it done, but we've got to be to the hospital Monday evening. Let's hope things go better than the first time.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Still Cooking
Actually, they talked about a little more. Like answering the "now what?" question. As it stands now, it looks like the baby is scheduled to arrive next Tuesday thanks to an inductive intervention (in other words, Lora's going to get a "jump start" with some drugs). Do you know what date that is? It's 7/11. After being late with every kid, I'm sure my wife will be saying the tag line for the 7-eleven convenience store which is "Oh Thank Heaven For 7-Eleven" But until then, this little "convenience" is still cooking
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
No Bugs (and no baby)
That's how many bug repellent wipes we gave away
No Baby
Well, we go in to the doctor tomorrow and they'll check everything and then I'm sure we'll set a date to be introduced to the newest member of the Ebeling family. Why? Because Lora's always late and since this is number 5 we're almost used to it. All I can say is the longer it goes, the more ready I am to meet this one. Will it be a boy or a girl? What do you think? Vote and let us know
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July
Enough of my musings. Let me just say Happy Independence Day - enjoy it, support it, and fight for it when necessary.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Tech Support???
Usually, I actually like my XP machine. I love Outlook (which is good since I have to use it all the time) but what I don't like is getting 100+ duplicate emails in my inbox on random occassions. Sounds like a simple problem to fix, but I'm about to start charging them for all the time of mine they're wasting. I've now got two "official case numbers" which means one of two things. There's really a problem (duh?) or tech support isn't much support (again, duh?). I've noticed that they're a lot like my kids because whomever I'm talking to likes to try and blame somebody else for the problem and the solution is just to get rid of them (it's your anti-virus software, it's your PDA, it's this program, it's that thing). Well, it's been almost a month now and it's still a problem.
So I figure if I can't maximize my email (since I waste time deleting and redeleting messages I've already deleted) maybe I should work on Discovery's Website since it's not exactly what you might call "totally up to date" I open up the content manager (Contribute) form a connection, edit a page and try to move on to the next, but I can't. I can edit one page at a time and nothing more. I then have to close the program, and start all over for each page I want to make even the slightest change on. It takes about 6-8 times as long. Tech support? They asked if I was connected to the internet. I understand having to start with the simple stuff, but I couldn't edit a page if I wasn't connected right? Multiple suggestions and help of that calliber including "email us and we'll call back within two hours - would that be ok?" I'll give you a three guesses about how that turned out and the first two don't count. It's three days later and I haven't heard a thing. Thanks tech support.
Now What?
I'd really like to know what to do now. It's been proven that tech support cannot provide support and I've still got issues (these are just two) I guess I'll continue to be very nice, explain and reexplain the problem, try the proposed solutions and re-contact them when they don't work. Maybe they'll get sick of me and just send me a clean, updated, brand new, version. Yeah right. Or maybe they'll be as helpful as this guy who tried to cancel his AOL account. You won't believe it.