They do the coolest thing here....they give the babies iPods loaded with nursery music and these cool looking headphones that just stick on over the babies ears. Hannah really liked it and I wish we would have had it last night since she really didn't sleep much. Nothing more than an hour or so at a time.
In reality, Hannah just had to have her hearing checked and so the stuff in the picture is just how they hook up and register brainwaves when they run sound through those little ear cups. She passed her first test...must be a genius huh? Reality is also very little sleep, but I wouldn't trade it for anything...I've got myself a winning poker hand now....full house....kings over queens.
She sure is adoreable! I so wanted to be "ok" with whatever gender God gave us each time, but when our second girl was born (with 4 brothers and a sister ahead of her) I cried my eyes out with joy. I am so thankful the girls have a sister to share this earthly life with! Much love, Lora. Lisa Bedrosian
Thanks - we cried our eyes out too. Actually, I still do whenever I realize that we actually have another girl and Sarah has a sister. Lora was just telling me about your fifth (Grace) and how she was wondering if we'd have one too. Have a safe trip home.
O.K. call me a dork but, I believed in the baby ipod. Reality is we are very thankful for a healthy baby girl and we love the name it is beautiful. Hope to see yall real soon. Love ya,
Sharon S.
Jason, Lora, and family,
Congratulations, I was excited when I heard you had another princess. It will be so nice for Sarah to have a sister to play dolls with.
Love Nancy C.( Sharons Mom)
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