Yesterday went really well I thought. We were set up down at the Town Commons in two locations for the Fourth of July Celebration. I was really pleased with the attitudes and turn out of people from our church who came to help and serve a shift. My wife actually commented that other than us, there was nobody else who helped last year (they were other places fulfilling other commitments) and almost everybody helping has only been with Discovery since April when we launched. That's just really encouraging. I really love these people
That's how many bug repellent wipes we gave away

yesterday. People really seemed to appreciate it. It's actually refreshing to be able to bless people and have no real expectations of anything in return. Besides that, it's something people can actually use. I do have to say though that I really didn't appreciate all those people who used it and then just left the trash all over the place. I mean, it's not like they didn't have 100 trash cans around. Is it really that hard to walk 20 feet from where you're sitting? But our folks helped clean up other's trash - we didn't make it but we'll take it.
No BabyWell, we go in to the doctor tomorrow and they'll check everything and then I'm sure we'll set a date to be introduced to the newest member of the Ebeling family. Why? Because Lora's always late and since this is number 5 we're almost used to it. All I can say is the longer it goes, the more ready I am to meet this one. Will it be a boy or a girl? What do you think? Vote and let us know
Figured I'd be the first and put in my vote for a girl
I am guessing a girl also.
I say it's a boy...But we'll find out soon. Mary LaFollette
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