Monday, July 03, 2006

Tech Support???

Have I said how I totally loathe tech support? Let me say it again....I can't stand tech support. Now maybe my frustrations are misplaced and I should be frustrated with the machine, software or device that needs the tech support, but I don't care right now...I need to be frustrated with a person!

Usually, I actually like my XP machine. I love Outlook (which is good since I have to use it all the time) but what I don't like is getting 100+ duplicate emails in my inbox on random occassions. Sounds like a simple problem to fix, but I'm about to start charging them for all the time of mine they're wasting. I've now got two "official case numbers" which means one of two things. There's really a problem (duh?) or tech support isn't much support (again, duh?). I've noticed that they're a lot like my kids because whomever I'm talking to likes to try and blame somebody else for the problem and the solution is just to get rid of them (it's your anti-virus software, it's your PDA, it's this program, it's that thing). Well, it's been almost a month now and it's still a problem.

So I figure if I can't maximize my email (since I waste time deleting and redeleting messages I've already deleted) maybe I should work on Discovery's Website since it's not exactly what you might call "totally up to date" I open up the content manager (Contribute) form a connection, edit a page and try to move on to the next, but I can't. I can edit one page at a time and nothing more. I then have to close the program, and start all over for each page I want to make even the slightest change on. It takes about 6-8 times as long. Tech support? They asked if I was connected to the internet. I understand having to start with the simple stuff, but I couldn't edit a page if I wasn't connected right? Multiple suggestions and help of that calliber including "email us and we'll call back within two hours - would that be ok?" I'll give you a three guesses about how that turned out and the first two don't count. It's three days later and I haven't heard a thing. Thanks tech support.

Now What?
I'd really like to know what to do now. It's been proven that tech support cannot provide support and I've still got issues (these are just two) I guess I'll continue to be very nice, explain and reexplain the problem, try the proposed solutions and re-contact them when they don't work. Maybe they'll get sick of me and just send me a clean, updated, brand new, version. Yeah right. Or maybe they'll be as helpful as this guy who tried to cancel his AOL account. You won't believe it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jason, This is Derick Shipley. I am fairly good w/ PC's so next time I am over there I can check it out for you to see if I can find something. Also being in Tech support (but not dealing w/ the public) I know the best way to get your problem resolved is to ask for a manager or supervisor. If you aren't getting the help you need do ask for a supervisor, they are usually much more helpful than regular tech's. Let me know if you want me to come over and look at it!