Monday, January 15, 2007


I can't hold back any longer. I've come to grips with it and am willing to admit it publically, my daughter is just plain clumsy. In fact, she's so clumsy I actually find it humorous. She was jumping on the bed this morning, got to close to the edge and one foot missed so she bounced off the bed. She can be running across a room and trip on an invisible line. She can try to sit on something and just flat out miss and land on her bottom. She bumps her head, skins her knees, has bruises all over her legs from the things she runs into. She walked right into the wall because she missed the doorway not too long ago. I guess it wasn't big enough at three feet across. Now, she is smart as a whip, but clumsy as an least at this stage of her little life. That's why I'm calling her by her new nickname...Clumsilina.


Anonymous said...

well...she IS a blonde ;)

Anonymous said...

Jas girls are just clumsy... you just learn to look past it! haha Miss you and tell my best friend HI!

Anonymous said...

some of it could be because she is blond, but she is growing so that might have a little bit to do with it. I'll bet you were clumsy too

Anonymous said...

hey, don't you remember Steph? She can trip on lint! But look how great she's turning out!!
