Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Do These Scare You? Should They?

Heard about this thing called the Blasphemy Challenge on the news. Basically people are being challenged to deny the Holy Spirit since Mark 3:29 says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. I'm torn between sorrow and's sad that so many people have been hurt by other people who call themselves Christians and I feel bad. On the other hand, why waste your time denying something you don't even believe in? I don't believe in aliens but I'm not making videos saying so. So, watch and let me know what you think.....

So, what's your reaction?? What are believers in Jesus Christ doing wrong? How can we do a better job?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if hell is a good place??? i guess that kid wasnt as hardcore as he says he was...if he was he WOULD KNOW that hell is NOT a good place...and since he believes in hell does that not mean he beleives in heaven??? which would make u beleive in God right? man... ive been down and ive had failures and all that but i WILL NEVER deny My Jesus no matter how crappy or awesome a Christian i am... even tho im not living for Him i still have firm beleif IN HIM and will always no matter what!
