Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day. Ever wonder why this day is such a big deal? Don't you think it's been over-commercialized? I read that over 1 billion cards are sent out for Valentine's Day (apparently 2nd only to Christmas) and that 85% of the cards are bought by women. Why is that? What's it all about?

There are a number of stories about the origins of Valentine's Day and who St. Valentine really was. The three most common are 1) he was a priest who continued to married young couples when the emperor said not to; 2) he was arrested and sentenced to death (ultimately became a martyr), but fell in love with the jailer's daughter, sending her a card signed, "your Valentine" and 3) the day came about to counter a pagan holiday called Lupercalia that was celebrated on Feb 15. So, love, marriage and competition...hmm.

I love my wife as much as the next guy, but I think this holiday puts an unnecessary burden on people to profess that love. I don't need a special day set aside to do that. I can do it any day. Yet I feel "forced" to "perform" or even compete with what other men are doing for their wives. And none of this even takes into consideration single, dating, separated, divorced, widowed and just plain lonely people. What about them? What about just loving people regardless of the day or marketing? If we did that, there'd be fewer frustrated lovers and more people being loved.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But the real question is not how do you feel about it, but how does SHE feel about it?
My wife? She thinks its stupid. Another reason why I love her.

-Jim Bird