Thursday, March 15, 2007

Something Is Wrong

I don't know how else to say this, but something is wrong. No, it's not with me (at least not yet) and it's not with the church. Something's wrong with my little baby girl - Hannah. While I certainly appreciate being able to work from home rather than having to go to an office, there are also some challenges that are associated with this setup. Namely, the potential for constant interruptions. Like today.

Hannah has been having "issues" lately and we don't know why. She's been fussy, crabby, crying, screaming and otherwise a real pill to be around unless we're shoving food in her face, holding her or taking her out for a walk. She's been to the doctor and checks out ok. She's just being irritable. I guess this is just one of those times where parents (me in particular) just don't "like" their kids, because I'm not wanting to even be around her or hear her or deal with her.

Does that make me a bad dad or am I just one of the stupid ones who's willing to admit that I don't always like my "cute little kids"? Either way, it doesn't matter. Something is wrong with her, I can't fix it and it's driving me crazy (not to mention my wife).

I'd be open to any suggestions on how to handle this or cope with this. I should have it down by the fifth kid, but I don't. Help, Lora and I need a break from the noise.


Anonymous said...

as my momma always says... life is like a.... HAHA!! no my mom has always said " i may not like the things u do but i'll always love u" i mean u cant ALWAYS like a person... sometimes people just tick u babies... i mean she's a baby...she doesnt know any better...yet. so this is just a phase...maybe a long one..but a phase none the less ;)... LOVE YA!! :D

Anonymous said...

How about shipping Hannah out to another family with five kids and see if they can get her straightened out? Say, to Derby, KS?

Hi Jason. I'm Brian's mom. He shared your site with me. I've enjoyed exploring it.

Will be sending you an email soon. You may get that before you see this.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

ok Jason so the 5th is going to be a little bit different. Maybe she is starting to come down with something, but it isnt showing up yet and she just feels icky. Get some of that johnson and johnson stuff that you put in baths and it is suppose to be sothing and relaxing and pamper her a little bit. If that dont work trade her in.


Jason Ebeling said...

You know what worked? Prayer. Well, that and a 5 HOUR NAP! She was definitely coming down with something...stopped by the house of doctor in the neighborhood and apparently she had an ear infection developing. Oh well, she's been fine this morning, actually great.

Anonymous said...

Jack was SUPER fussy....and puked all over moi...frequently....turns out he had food allergies. The Drs told me he was fine for a couple of years too....(I had no idea, the other boys are allergy-free) Anyway, just a thought....
and a BIG "hi" to you and Lora :) we MISS you guys!
OH is COLD....-Erika Willard :)

Jason Ebeling said...

Erika!! Man we miss all you guys too. Could you send me your blog link again so we can keep up with you all?

e said...

Of course!
I don't know why I was anonymous before ;) this should link you to my very neglected blog...which hopefully will be updated tonight. Erika :)