Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All About Impact

Got a nice email from someone today talking about how IMPACT was the word of the day on Easter. It really was and I'm glad they understood that message. Since we're talking about success, we needed to define success in terms of the big picture and we did. Basically, success isn't just about's about IMPACT.

It's easy to see. Take Tiger Woods for example. He didn't win the Master's on Sunday, yet nearly everyone considers him one of the most successful golfers of all-time. Why? Because he's made a huge impact in the golf world (and beyond). Of course he's won a few times along the way. Christ is the same way. Sure he was a great teacher, healed people, did other miracles, but the real measure of his success is the IMPACT he's made on this world. It's huge. People's lives are still being changed because of who Jesus is and what he's done. That's IMPACT.

All this has me wondering whether or not Discovery is a successful church or I'm a successful church planter. Some things have been achieved - we've launched, we've grown, I've raised enough support to provide for my family, we've added staff, etc. Success though is measured differently - are lives being changed? What about the community? I think slowly but surely we're helping to bring about change and we're starting to have an IMPACT, but I also think we have a long way to go.

The bottom line is that it doesn't matter how much we have going on and what we achieve in terms of numbers or anything else people might use to say that I or Discovery are successful...what matters is IMPACT.

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