This is my daughter Sarah. You can't tell but she's wearing a mermaid costume over her clothes. She just got the sunglasses from Grandma yesterday, and as I'm typing she comes in and asks if she can eat somewhere else because "the sun is just too bright"
I hope and pray that as she grows up, she continues to do things "her" way and doesn't worry about how silly she looks or what other people might think. I hope she never colors inside the lines, dances to music only she can hear, and loves people that others ignore or put down.
And I promise that I don't care if she wants to wear a sequinned mermaid outfit over her clothes when we go out in public.
i miss this lil girl....don't tell anyone here, but there aren't ANY children in Wilson as adorable as Ra-Ra....hope all is well! tell lora hi!
love u guys,
AW I love my best friend and miss her!!
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