Monday, April 23, 2007

Something To Think About

Was reading earlier this morning and I can't get this out of my mind. It's Psalm 86:11

Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.

I keep thinking that David wasn't asking the Chief Priest to teach him, he was asking the Lord himself. It's really got me feeling frustrated and free at the same time, because so often people are looking for churches and pastors that will teach them something. I've got no problem with fact I expect the same thing. The problem comes when people expect the pastor or church to teach them everything. If people aren't learning and growing on their own, no pastor or church will really be that much help, because those are secondary relationships. The primary relationship needs to be a growing one with Christ - where he's teaching, he's challenging, he's changing our minds and hearts.

I'm frustrated, because I get tired of people asking and expecting the church and pastors to provide everything. A lot of parents do it by expecting the children's or student ministry to practically take their place in the spiritual education of their kids. The depth of their involvement consists of "whadya learn today?" Adults do it when they talk about "depth of teaching." I'm not saying don't study the Bible, but I am saying it's not a trivia book where you can learn some cool facts others might not know. It's for life-change and if we already aren't putting what we know into practice, what sense is there in going "deeper"? It'd be like heaping more responsiblity on people who already aren't being responsible.

I'm also feeling free. Free because I can study for ME. Free so God can teach ME, not so I can teach others. So teach ME Lord, that I will walk in your truth and give ME an undivided heart. Keep ME from looking to the crowd instead of looking to Christ. The crowd has problems, for that matter, the crowd is the problem. I can't focus on the problem and make much difference. When I focus on the answer, when I focus on Christ, when I learn from him, I feel free to actually make a difference and free to share what God's been teaching ME.

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