Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sweet Music

Saturday mornings at the Ebeling house are "house blessing" time. Everybody has at least one chore to do to help make sure the house is clean and organized and that mom or dad don't need to do everything. We throw on some praise music and hop to it cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming and dusting. Some mornings go better than others - good attitudes, good jobs. Others not so much.

I'm upstairs and hear the praise music blaring and I'm hearing some strange accompinament sounds. It's my little girl playing some metal bowls like drums using forks. She's banging and singing away. Most people might hear it and pull their hair out thinking it's too annoying, but to me, it's music to my ears to hear my children expressing their praise to God through music - even if it's with mixing bowls and forks.

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