Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Four More Days
The cornhole tournament starts at 4PM and you can sign up as individuals or teams through Sunday morning. If you've got questions, shoot Randy Strickland an email!
Three More Days
So if you like UFC or just need a little "man time" then make sure you come and join us at he Boys and Girls Club this Saturday night. Fight starts at 10, but you can come anytime after 6PM because we'll be there setting up anyway. Feel free to invite some friends and bring a little something to snack on and we all chip in to pay the guy with the dish back for buying the fight.
See you there in only 3 more days!
Two More Days
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Fun Day Today

I was amazed to learn in preparing for this that Americans use their credit/debit cards to purchase $51 BILLION of fast food each year. Unbelievable. That's enough $1 bills to fill a whole football field 32 feet deep with $1's. We gave everyone a fun "book" too. It was inspired by a SNL skit we showed and then gave everybody their very own copy of this practical life-changing book.
You can watch the classic video clip below. Which character do you relate to more?
Here's what this priceless (FREE) book says. Imagine if we put this into practice.
Rule # 1
If you don’t have any money, DON’T BUY STUFF!
Rule # 2
Buy expensive things you want using money that you’ve SAVED!
Rule # 3
If you want something but don’t have the money, DON’T BUY IT!
Rule # 4
If you don’t have the money, DON’T BUY stuff anyways because you want it.
Rule # 5
DON’T BUY something now and hope that you can pay for it later
Rule # 6
Make sure that you have the money
Rule # 7
DON’T BUY things you cannot afford before you have the money to afford it
Rule # 8
If you can only pay the minimum payment you don’t have enough money so DON’T BUY IT!
Rule # 9
If you can’t buy it, don’t spend what you do have—SAVE IT for something else.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sorry, 1 More Story to End Your Day
CHESTERTON, Ind. — Two fourth-grade boys mimicking a scene from the movie "A Christmas Story" wound up with their tongues stuck to a frozen flagpole.
Gavin Dempsey and James Alexander were serving on flag duty at Jackson Elementary School Friday morning, with the job of raising and lowering the school's flags. They decided to see if their tongues really would stick to the cold metal.
"I decided to try it because I thought all of the TV shows were lies, but turns out I was wrong," Gavin said.
Karen Alexander, James' mother , said her son told her he got the idea from the movie, which is based on stories about a boy growing up in the northwest Indiana community of Hammond in the 1940s.
"I can't believe he did it, but they learned their lesson," she said.
James said he plans to eat a lot of ice cream to help nurse his wound.
"When you're young, you're just messing around," he said.
Billie Dempsey, Gavin's mom, said a nurse called them to tell them the boys' tongues were bleeding.
"The nurse asked them, 'OK, who double-dog dared who?"' Billie Dempsey said, a reference to a phrase that a character in the movie used to dare another child to stick his tongue to the pole.
Long Day
On the way back, I found out that there were people not just at the Boys and Girls Club, but set up in the gym for a nice formal dinner celebration of somebody's 60th birthday and they weren't planning on wrapping up until after 7. We actually pay to be able to set up starting at 6. Sounds like it was a scheduling mix-up but it's still frustrating. Makes it hard to get people to keep coming out for the setup team if there's no setup or it's not happening for another hour or more. Anyway, it all worked out (cause we're so flexible!).
Looking over my notes for tomorrow and I'm still excited. We'll see if I can convey that excitement and Biblical truth tomorrow. Kids are all bathed, brushed and bedded so now I gotta get some sleep. Out!
Wrestling Tournament
Friday, January 25, 2008
Gonna Be Good
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It's Early
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just So You Know
Sick, Just Sick
EDIT: I guess they don't have anything but a wheezing sound and the doctor wants to make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia or something else
I guess it'll be just the boys and I heading down to Fayetteville for "family time" since Lora needs to be back to see the doctor on Friday and the girls need stinkin' breathing treatments every 4 hours.
Welcome to my world. I really do love my kids though and I love being a parent. Heck, I woke up yesterday to Hannah crapping in her diaper (good) and it overflowing all over in her pink footy pajamas (bad) and all I could do was smile (and hold my breath). That's love. That and cleaning up your kid that just poo pooed all over in their pajamas. Anybody want to babysit so Lora and I can go out for a quiet meal - ALONE!?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Bet You Never Saw A Hillbilly Like This

I'd love to hear, read or see some of the stuff you find humorous. Post a link in the comments section.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Digging Out
If this happens again, it's really gonna crack me up. I wonder how people would act if it actually snowed. There might be fist fights at the grocery store for the last loaf of bread. The good news is it didn't seem to affect our attendance today. Then again, maybe people were afraid that I'd make fun of them if they didn't show up. Silly North Carolinians....
Friday, January 18, 2008
Winter Storm Warning?
So what does this mean for Discovery Church? Great question. Since I'm the pastor and 4 inches of snow doesn't scare me, it means business as usual. We'll still be setting up at 6PM on Saturday and still be holding our service at 10:10AM on Sunday. I'd appreciate it if those of you who have experienced snow before would act appropriately by driving carefully, but still coming out to set up or worship with us. Together we can make fun of the rest of the people who are worried about being snowed in by "up to 4 inches" or use it as an excuse to do nothing. Come on people! It's just snow.
We'll see the few, the proud, the unafraid on Saturday and Sunday. Until then, better gas up your snowblowers!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Book Of Secrets
The key to this was found in a secret book that only the President knows about (or at least can read and write in). It contained America's secrets and supposedly explained things like area 51, JFK assassination, Watergate, the moon landing, etc. Sounds like a pretty good read. But it was secret and only the most powerful person (the President) could read it or write in it.
Reminded me a little bit about the Bible, not that the Bible is a 'secret book,' but that only the most powerful person (God) can write in it. But unlike the movie, one day ALL the secrets will be revealed and we'll know God fully, experience Heaven (I can't flippin' even imagine) and meet and hang with Jesus (and I don't think I'm being disrespectful saying that). You want your own adventure, treasure hunt, solve-it-yourself mystery? Start chasing after Jesus. That's a treasure worth finding.
I admit it may sound a little hokey, but that's what I was thinking and it's my blog so back off.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I Think I Agree With This
Waaaaa...I'm not getting fed
Waaaaa...I'm not getting fed
Waaaaa...I'm not getting fed
Any thoughts...?
New Faces
I've had a chance to talk with a good number of our guests, I've prayed for all of them and already shared a meal or some coffee with a few. I certainly don't have it all figured out, but I still think people just want to know somebody cares...and once they know that, they want to be a part of a place that cares about others. That's why I do this. I know Jesus cares about me (He's shown me in a million ways) and I want to be a part of His work and let other people know that He cares and I do to.
Who have you showed that you care today?
Monday, January 14, 2008
What I Might Have Missed

Tanner decided to write one to his little sister Hannah. He's a real creative, comedian type (not a good speller at all) but his first attempt was a little 'over-the-top' so Lora had him do it again. I've included both for reading pleasure.
And just think....I might have missed this if we didn't homeschool. I love my kids, their creativity, expressions, ideas, and the freedom they feel to be who God created them to be. We must be doing something right (but definitely not everything)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Great Sunday
Friday, January 11, 2008
Looking Ahead
So, just to let you know, when the end of February rolls around, we will be doing another game show and asking people to "Come on down...." and compete for prizes as part of a series we're going to be doing on Money: how to walk away a winner. Should be lots of fun. Start thinking now about what games we might be playing from the show.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Second Saturday Service

Here's a hint...
I Got Flowers

Don't Know What It Is
Monday, January 07, 2008
Planned Absences
If you're feeling stressed out, overworked and overburdened, it might seem counter-intuitive, but schedule some time away where you don't regroup, reprioritize or even recharge so you can come back and do whatever it is you do even harder. Just get away, and relax. Unplug, unwind and sit still and listen.
And if you hang around Discovery, don't be surprised if you don't see me, Claude or Davey as much this year.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Mouse In The House
So at 2:48AM on New Year's Day (technically) we set out to catch a mouse. It was under the piano and we couldn't get to it so I woke up Tyler and asked him to grab his snake figuring snakes eat mice right? So we haul out Samson the mouse killing snake and put him down at the last known address of the mouse invader. Small problem (or should I say big) - Samson is no longer a little snake. He's kinda fat and can't fit under the piano anymore. Ok, move the piano.
We move the piano and the mouse runs, jumps over Janelle's foot and makes a lap around my living room and realizes all the doors are closed, so it hides under the couch. I get Janelle a basket and Tyler a cooking lid to trap the mouse under (didn't want to squash it on the carpet so figured we'd catch it). We move the couch and it takes off again, squeaking out "can't catch me" as he runs around my living room. It runs onto the hardwood floor which is exactly when Tyler decides to try and capture it. He slams his tin lid down so hard it sounded like a cymbal crash and he woke up our house guests. Good morning everyone, it's 3AM.

Tanner is now up but we think we've got it cornered so everyone takes their places with some kind of containment device like a garbage can, bucket or lid. It's been 40 minutes and I'm ready to give this rodent as a treat to Samson. Heck at this point if we could catch it, I'd cover the stupid thing in chocolate if Samson wanted me too. We scare it out and Janelle's lightning fast reflexes put her bucket into motion and she traps the midnight scavenger. Victory is ours and to the victor go the spoils so we grab Samson and let him visit with our prisoner of war and then we let him eat the vanquished foe. Satisfaction and victory is mine.
Random Thoughts
- The holidays aren't over yet! Even though my in-laws just left this morning, I've got to pick up a friend at the airport in a little over an hour, some other friends from Florida just arrived last night, and more friends from Knoxville will be here later today. 'Tis the season
- Jerry Coyle brought his karaoke stuff over on New Years Eve and left it here. I'm having a little bit too much fun with it.
- My in-laws bought the kids (family) a Wii for Christmas. I'm having a little bit too much fun with that too.
- Dang it's cold out this morning. Ice on all the water I saw and the wind makes it worse.
- My desk is a mess (but that's normal I guess).
- It's 2008! This year is going to be incredible.
- I love having 5 kids. Never a dull moment.
- About 3AM on New Years night (or day I guess) Davey and Janelle were still here and helped me catch a stinkin' mouse in my house! I'll post about that later (with pictures!)
- Lora wasn't happy that we were tearing the house up hunting for a mouse at 3AM.
- Chandler slept through it - and we were in his room!!!
- I don't really play video games, but I've already made it through ever level in one of the shooter games. Wiiiiiiiiiiiii
- Revised giving numbers for 12/30 were almost double what we normally receive.
- I'm stoked about our next series - iLife starting
- Got some noise-cancelling headphones for Christmas. I'm gonna be loving that with my iPod
- Lora's birthday was yesterday. I goofed. I guess when she said she didn't want to celebrate her birthday Jan 1st it DIDN'T mean not celebrate, it just meant no gifts. Oooh, that darned miscommunication.
- Hurting people are coming to Discovery and looking for and finding help. That's cool.
- It's been a really weird schedule the past couple weeks - lots of odd hours for getting stuff done.
- It was really cool to look over the whole past year at Discovery on Sunday. It seems like some of our teaching really did stick since people remembered some of it months later.
- I don't like reheated pizza rolls, but I'll eat 'em if I'm hungry
- I haven't blogged much the past two weeks
- My house is doing pretty well for all the people that have been in it and through it over the holidays
- I'm chilled and that's not good. It takes me a while to warm up when I get chilled. Wish I didn't have to go outside again.