Sunday, January 20, 2008

Digging Out

Well, after that snow last night, we're digging out. Yeah right. How do you dig out of less than what might be generously considered "a dusting"? I'll tell you, you don't (most people probably have more "dust" in their homes). The NC blizzard of '08 never materialized. I saw a few flakes about midnight, but nothing more. Not even cold enough to freeze over all the water standing around from the rain.

If this happens again, it's really gonna crack me up. I wonder how people would act if it actually snowed. There might be fist fights at the grocery store for the last loaf of bread. The good news is it didn't seem to affect our attendance today. Then again, maybe people were afraid that I'd make fun of them if they didn't show up. Silly North Carolinians....

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