EDIT: I guess they don't have anything but a wheezing sound and the doctor wants to make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia or something else
I guess it'll be just the boys and I heading down to Fayetteville for "family time" since Lora needs to be back to see the doctor on Friday and the girls need stinkin' breathing treatments every 4 hours.
Welcome to my world. I really do love my kids though and I love being a parent. Heck, I woke up yesterday to Hannah crapping in her diaper (good) and it overflowing all over in her pink footy pajamas (bad) and all I could do was smile (and hold my breath). That's love. That and cleaning up your kid that just poo pooed all over in their pajamas. Anybody want to babysit so Lora and I can go out for a quiet meal - ALONE!?
hey honey, i don't think you are going to get many takers with THAT post:)
ps. sad, i know, we are "talking" to each other via your BLOG...hey, its pretty quiet, we might be onto something here:)
You bring them to Florida, we will watch them.
Hey there Lora, my wife...I love you too. Didn't even know you posted here.
And Jim, the sooner you move the sooner you can watch them.
Hey, if you're going to Fayetteville, let me know...That's where I live! Maybe we could all get together for lunch or something!
Michelle Wise
Riverview is a lovely little town in Florida and we here wouldn't mind watching them for you. Especially if it's for you and Lora to have some alone time.
Love and miss you guys,
Hello Jason & Family!
If you come back to Minnesota we'd love to babysit - your kids are adorable, plus I could tell them the kinds of things you use to do when you had a babysitter... and if we lived closer to you, we'd definitely be members of your church - we love what you've done, and wish you all the best!
Debbie & Family
Jason's OLD sitter =^..^=
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