New Faces
One of the things I love about being a pastor is you get to spend a lot of time with people. I love people because there's such a variety of personalities, backgrounds, experiences, knowledge, and even shapes and sizes. Over the past couple of weeks a bunch of people have rolled through the doors of Discovery and I'm trying hard to learn names and faces. I'm in the people business and if I don't know, learn, teach, relate and care for people, I'm out of a job (not to mention I'd be a poor manager of what God sent my way which would make me a bad pastor!)
So I'm trying to improve. I'll be honest, I'm not very good at systems and we need to improve our systems when it comes to how we reach, treat and follow up with our guests. So I've been reading a book by Nelson Searcy who started the Journey Church in Manhattan called Fusion that's all about how to really connect with first time guests and turn them into people who are totally engaged in the life of the church. Part of me cringes because I don't want people sold out to me or Discovery in the same way I want people to be sold out to Jesus, but I believe that we're trying to model that, and push people to live out their faith in the marketplace and in their neighborhoods and families. So I think there's a benefit from being a part of Discovery Church. Haven't finished the book yet because I'm slowly digesting it (before I make the staff read it - heads up Claude!) but so far it's simple to understand, but a little more difficult to actually carry out. Still, I'm committed to doing the best I can with what we've got and that means first time guests too.
I've had a chance to talk with a good number of our guests, I've prayed for all of them and already shared a meal or some coffee with a few. I certainly don't have it all figured out, but I still think people just want to know somebody cares...and once they know that, they want to be a part of a place that cares about others. That's why I do this. I know Jesus cares about me (He's shown me in a million ways) and I want to be a part of His work and let other people know that He cares and I do to.
Who have you showed that you care today?
Glad you are finding Fusion helpful. Let me know if you have any questions!
Are you going to buy this for me, or do I have to pay for it myself?
Option 2....
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