So at 2:48AM on New Year's Day (technically) we set out to catch a mouse. It was under the piano and we couldn't get to it so I woke up Tyler and asked him to grab his snake figuring snakes eat mice right? So we haul out Samson the mouse killing snake and put him down at the last known address of the mouse invader. Small problem (or should I say big) - Samson is no longer a little snake. He's kinda fat and can't fit under the piano anymore. Ok, move the piano.
We move the piano and the mouse runs, jumps over Janelle's foot and makes a lap around my living room and realizes all the doors are closed, so it hides under the couch. I get Janelle a basket and Tyler a cooking lid to trap the mouse under (didn't want to squash it on the carpet so figured we'd catch it). We move the couch and it takes off again, squeaking out "can't catch me" as he runs around my living room. It runs onto the hardwood floor which is exactly when Tyler decides to try and capture it. He slams his tin lid down so hard it sounded like a cymbal crash and he woke up our house guests. Good morning everyone, it's 3AM.

Tanner is now up but we think we've got it cornered so everyone takes their places with some kind of containment device like a garbage can, bucket or lid. It's been 40 minutes and I'm ready to give this rodent as a treat to Samson. Heck at this point if we could catch it, I'd cover the stupid thing in chocolate if Samson wanted me too. We scare it out and Janelle's lightning fast reflexes put her bucket into motion and she traps the midnight scavenger. Victory is ours and to the victor go the spoils so we grab Samson and let him visit with our prisoner of war and then we let him eat the vanquished foe. Satisfaction and victory is mine.
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