Monday, January 22, 2007

Great Weekend

Finally have a chance to sit down at my computer and share what a great service we had on Sunday. It was like launch time again. The place was filling up, the energy level was high, and the response has been good. Almost 130 people were with us on Sunday! I've got to say it's great to be seeing more new faces again. Maybe it's that the holidays are over or something...whatever it was, it was encouraging.

And then, starting a series about the often ignored topic of finances and stewardship, I have to say people responded well. I guess helping people understand the difference between ownership and stewardship hit home with some. Even had one person stop by the house an hour or so after church because they wanted to tithe! Good stuff.

Just to recap, God is a generous God. He wants to bless us. To be "blessed" means to "be on the receiving end of the tangible and intangible favor of God" We need to be blessable and the only way to do that is to be in the ZONE (where we're being obedient to Christ). When we're in the ZONE, God (the Bless-or) turns us into the Bless-ed so we can become a Bless-ing to others. Many people are not in the ZONE because they live in the land of -ing where they spend their time and energy on own-ing, earn-ing, hous-ing, cloth-ing, bling bl-ing, etc and then think the more the better. But when we move into the ZONE, God adds His "bless" to our -ing. That's just good stuff. (and it's not's from a series Ed Young did). If you want, check out the should be up by Wed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...