Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I Liked It

I think I've recovered from last week...it was crazy! But when it was all set up and we were singing praises out to Jesus, I have to say I liked it. I think it looked good, sounded waaaaayy better than I thought it would and we've gotten positive feedback and comments from regulars and guests.

Since Claude already beat me to the blog you can check out the pictures he posted on his blog. I really think people were suprised at how much like a church and how little like a Boys and Girls Club it looked.

I was really excited about one guest in particular. When we were buying the metal to weld our chair carts together, one of the guys who works there was talking about church and stuff and offered to help with the welding if we needed anything. We called him, he came out and did some welding and showed up on Sunday!! Seems like a great guy and afterwards he said to me, "I think I found a home" Great stuff.

We were talking at staff meeting last night and are working at getting prepared because we think we've got some fresh momentum now and we're expecting things to continue growing. It's a little slower growth than I'd like, but considering we started with just my family, had maybe 45-50 at the theater and have been averaging over 120 this year (not counting Easter) I can say we're growing. We'll be recognizing a new group of PARTners and having another PARTnership class in the next couple weeks. We're also starting something new...PARTner of the month. We want to celebrate those people who've made the commitment to Discovery, to an Outlet and to ministry. I love our first pick. Haven't decided for sure if we'll recognize this week or next...guess you'll have to be there.


Jim Bird said...

While I appreciate your thinking of me for PARTner of the month, I'm afraid I wont be able to accept. Riding you about your blogs, picking on you, and generally just bothering you is a priveledge, and I'm afraid an award would just cheapen it for me.
What? I wasn't the pick? Oops.

Jason Ebeling said...

In order for you to even qualify, YOU HAVE TO LIVE HERE. I know of another couple houses nearby that are or are about to be for sale. When are you moving?